Chapter Five

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Same Harry Potter characters and actors
Hermione Corfield as Daphne Greengrass
Nate Archibald as Theodore Nott


Draco and Hermione are currently lying on their bed, Hermione's head rested at Draco's chest while Draco's arms are wrapped around her waist. By Draco's bedside table lays one opened letter written in a green colored, Irish flower patterned edges stationary. They received the letter four days ago and Draco won't stop beaming the fact that both twins got in Slytherin.

Suddenly a beeping sound erupts in the room and wakes the couple up. Hermione untangles herself from Draco, both groaning for the lost of warmth. Hermione looks at her side table and sees her red alarm clock, buzzing with noise. She touches it and reads the time, '8:00'

"Draco" Hermione nudges her husband who just groans and turns his back on her. Hermione furrows her eyebrows but smirks at her idea. The next thing Draco knows is that he is on the floor with aching back and front.

Draco Malfoy slowly lifts up himself and rest his arms and head at the beds side. He frowns as he sees his laughing wife, almost stumbling and stumbles she did. She falls back, doing a backflip in the process to her side of the bed.

Now it is Draco's turn to laugh. He laughs more when Hermione also rests her arms and head at her bedside but her hair is covering her entire face.

"Good morning, Love" Draco teases as he stands up and pulls Hermione to the bed, setting her in his lap and hugging her waist. Hermione huffs and ignores Draco.

"You can't possibly be mad at me, you fell on your own" Draco hollers but a Hermione won't budge, instead she crosses her arms across her chest.

"Fine, I'm sorry" but Hermione just looks at her nails.

"THAT'S IT!" Draco shouts as he throws Hermione on the bed, he holds both her hands above her head with one hand, strangles her waist with his body weight completely reducing Hermione's lower body useless.

With Draco's one free hand, he tickles Hermione hard, touching her sides, her tummy and everywhere Draco knows will result to Hermione shrieking loud.

Hermione does shrieks out loud, begging for Draco to stop but he didn't. Hermione is now panting loudly but her voice, not going down from laughing. Draco stops when he sees Hermione in tears.

"Do you accept defeat?" Draco asks and since Hermione shakes her head, in a flash Draco have both of his arms at Hermione's sides and tummy while his mouth is kissing and sucking her neck and collarbone. Hermione shrieks once more and have her arms now encircling Draco's shoulder.

When Draco stops, Hermione keeps her arms at place and they stare for a moment. Two inches between them and they could breath each other's scents. Draco slowly inches forward until their lips touches. Just lips, no tongue, no teeth and as simple as it is, it still makes Hermione moan inwardly.

Draco breaks the kiss and smiles lovingly at his wife. Hermione takes a deep breath from the sight in front of her. Half naked Draco, smiling softly with his soft blond hair falling down his face, just looking adoringly at her.

"I love you" Draco breaths out, also mesmerised by the sight of his wife, under him, hair everywhere, half lidded eyes, almost glowing. Hermione cups Draco's right cheek and caress it. "I love you too"

The two are about to kiss again if it were not for their door opening. Draco gets off of Hermione and they see Caelum, rubbing his eyes, clutching his favorite rocketship.

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