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"H-Hamilton? Never heard of that one, s-should I listen to it?" Sam asked confusedly, legitimately fearing that The Admin would show up and cause some chaos again

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"H-Hamilton? Never heard of that one, s-should I listen to it?" Sam asked confusedly, legitimately fearing that The Admin would show up and cause some chaos again.

"Sam, n-no, wait. Don't... don't listen to Hamilton, it'll break the fourth wall into tiny shards and probably fuck with your mind a lot!" Charles said quickly, immediate snatching Sam's phone away as he tried to search for Hamilton on YouTube. Sam decided not to protest, letting Charles take his phone and put it with the laptop under the blanket. They were pretty well rested, well, except for George, who was still asleep. Luckily, time passed a bit faster than real time for them, just for convenience when writing, so they had gotten a few hours of sleep at least, which was more sleep than Charles had gotten in a while.

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