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Anna's P.O.V
Dumbledore gave a great speech once again after the first years were sorted.
I was determined to make this a great year and not worry about the troll that is, Draco Malfoy.
I just needed to focus on me and becoming a better wizard.
Getting done with his speech, Dumbledore ended it by mentioning our new DADA teacher (who seemed aweful) and our new 5th year student.
"We have a new student coming into their 5th year here. So I expect you will all make him feel welcome. Please, stand up Mr. Charles."
Hearing that name stopped my heart.
Please, please, don't let it be him.
"This is our new addition to Slytherin House, Sam Charles. Please help him if you can and let us eat" Dumbledore finished.
No, no, no, no, no, he can't be a wizard.
He can't be here.
My Sam.
My Ex.
My old boyfriend Sam was a wizard and not only that, he belonged to Slytherin House. Turning my head, I looked in his direction. There he was alright, looking the same as ever.
He must of felt my eyes on him because he looked  right at me.
Examining me, I felt his eyes crawl all over my skin.
He gave me a sly smile and a wave.
I glared.
Not just at him but also at who he was sitting next to
Draco Malfoy.

Now not feeling so hungry, I excused myself and went up to the Gryffindor common room.
Entering the portal, I walked up to my dorm and layed on the bed.
I felt physcially sick and I knew it was just my nerves.
I sent Sam to court and had him put in Juvenile Detention for 2 years, I really doubt we are BFF's.
Sam's a violent person, who doesn't care about what he does to others and what his actions could cause.
I thought Hogwarts was my safe haven.
Now it's just my own personal hell.

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