Pasta always helps (Sam x sister!reader)

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Pairing: Sam x Sister!Reader

Warnings: Some angst, some fluff

Summary: You're feeling really down and Sam's there to make you happy

You've been staying in bed all day when you heard a knock on your door. "Hey Y/N? You okay?" It was Sam. When you didn't answer he opened the door to find you in your bed under the covers, your nose barely sticking up.

"Hey bug, what are you doing? We haven't seen you all day." He came to sit on the bed next to your small form and you groaned and turned around so he faced your back. "Y/N?" You could tell by his voice that he was worried. You had to come up with something real quick to make him leave you alone, so you said the first thing that popped up in your head.

"I'm not just feeling well." You mumbled. Well it was kinda true. "You're feeling sick?" He asked. His arm came up to touch your forehead but you turned away. He let out a sigh. "You hungry?"

You shook your head to his question. "C'mon Y/N/N, you haven't eaten since breakfast yesterday and even then you didn't eat a lot."

"I'm just not hungry, okay?" You said with a hint of irritation in your voice. It was quiet for a while and you started to wonder if Sam actually walked out. It wouldn't surprise you if you had lost yourself to your thoughts and not her Sam walk out.

Though it did not turn out that way for Sam's arm came around you to flip you to face him. You let out a squeal of surprise and covered you face with your hands. "Y/N." Sam said sternly and you could feel his eyes staring at you.

Sam grasped your wrist to peel it away from your face, but your cry stopped him. "Hey c'mon lil sis, you don't want me to call Dean now do you?" He tried to tease you. When you didn't answer you heard a sigh escape his lips.

"What's going on huh? Talk to me." Sam tried again.

"Nothing." You mumbled out.

"Hey, I know that's not true. Let's go and grab something to eat at least." When you didn't make a move to get out of bed he grabbed you by your waist and lifted you up. "Let me go!" You screeched at him.

"Nope. Not until you're getting something in that little body of yours." Your brother said as he continued to carry you to the kitchen. He put you on top of a counter and turned around to turn on the stove.

Sam looked around for something and then pulled out a pot and filled it with water and but it on the stove. He then grabbed your favorite pasta and put it to the side, waiting for the water to start to boil.

As he turned around to face you, you dropped your head avoiding his gaze. He walked up to you and took your hand in his and squeezed it a little. "Tell me what's on your mind Y/N." You lifted your head to be meet with Sam's small smile that where upon his lips.

"I-I just miss mom.. We just got her back and- and.." Your voice cracked and Sam stepped forward to embrace you in his arms. "Shh, it's okay." He continued to whisper small things to you as you sobbed against his chest.

"We'll get her back, okay?" His hands came up to my face to wipe the tears away. "Let's just eat some pasta and watch a movie or something, yeah?"

You nodded your head to this and watched as he turned around again to the no boiling water. The pasta was put in the water with some salt too. While the pasta boiled you and Sam discussed what movie you wanted to watch together.

With two bowls of pasta you both walked over to Sam's room and opened up his laptop. About half into the movie Sam looked over to you. "You don't have to worry about mom. She's strong and we'll get her back in no time."

At this you smiled a little and went back to the movie. Later on Dean walked into the room to see you asleep on Sam's shoulder with a half-eaten pasta bowl in your lap. He smiled at this and walked over to you.

Dean placed your bowl on the nightstand and brought you up in his arms to carry you to your own room. You were half asleep when he tucked you in and kissed your forehead lightly. "Sleep well Y/N."


Welp, hello I'm back again with another one-shot!

I hope y'all are having a great day <3

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