Chapter 10

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**Aubreys POV**

Brook, Rye and Mikey still hadn't come back, I was starting to get worried, but not as worried as I would have been if he were still alive and on the run.

Gianna had arrived about 10 minutes ago, we haven't talked, I don't want to and I don't know what to tell her.

**Andys POV**

Aubrey had been sat on Brooklyns bed since it happened, she hasn't talked either. Jack was awake, sat in silence. In fact the whole room was in silence so I decided to break it.

"So, Gianna, how old were you when you met Aubrey?"

"We were 6, I had just started at the primary school in the town, and we became best friends right away" she replied with.

"Oohhh that's so cool, you've known each other for years then, anyway does anyone want a drink?" I asked them all.

"Yeah please mate" jack said.

"Yes please, thankyou" said Gianna.

"Aubrey? Do you want anything?" I asked her and she shakes her head.

I went to get the drinks and jack came too to help.

We were just finishing up the drinks when the door opened and in came the boys, finally.

"Boys? Where have you been?" I asked worried.

"We've been looking for that jerk, making sure he never hurts anyone again, but we couldn't find him" said mikey.

"You won't need to worry about that anymore" I said, they all looked at me shocked.

"What's happened? Is Aubrey okay? Has he taken her?" Brook demanded.

"Brook, calm down, she's fine, well not completely fine, but Brooklyn, she needs you" I told him.

"I'll go see her......" Brook started

"No, let me explain everything before you do"

He nodded and sat down. I told him everything and he listened.

**Aubreys POV**

"I'm sorry" I said to Gianna.

"Woah, you talk?" She tried to make a joke but I didn't laugh.

"Gianna! Can we be serious please? I'm sorry"

"Aubrey, what's happened? You can talk to me, I'm always here" she said while getting up to hug me.

I had started to cry and I hadn't realised.

"Gianna, you would never want to speak to me again if I tell you"

"Aubrey, you're being silly, come on I used to be your best friend and I would like to get that friendship back, please?"

I nodded and told her everything and she listened.

**Brooklyn POV**

"So that's what happened tonight" Andy said.

"I can't believe she did that, she must have been so scared, at least now she can live her life in peace" I said.

"Yeah, todays been a hard day, so hopefully she can move past all this. By the way her friend is with her in the bedroom"

"Okay, I'll give them some space and then go and see she is alright"

**Giannas POV**

"Aubrey, I can't believe you went through all that, if you had told me I would have helped"

"I know, and I'm sorry, I was scared"

She's been through so much, all I want to do now is hold my best friend in my arms and tell her it will be okay.

**Aubreys POV**

Gianna hugged me and I felt so happy.

The hug lasted a while and then I heard a familiar voice.

"I think the boys are home" I said to Gianna

"Does that mean I get to meet your handsome boy toy?"

"Ohmygod Gianna!"

"I'm sorry, but do I?"

"Yes fine, come on"

We walk into the kitchen and I was right, the boys were home. They hadn't realised we had walked in so I coughed and they all looked at me.

Brooklyn got up, walked up to me and pulled me into a tight hug, a hug that said 'I will never let you go'. I felt so happy, I felt like my life will finally start to get better from this point forward.

He let go of me and I said "this is Gianna" pointing towards her. She smiled and waved.

"Hey, nice to meet you Gianna" Brook said, shaking her hand. He then looked at me and said "you okay babe?"

I looked into his green eyes and nodded to say yes.
He knew I was lying though, so I went back into the bedroom before he could say something else.

Of course he had to follow me.

**Brooklyns POV**

"You okay babe?" I asked, she nodded, I knew she was lying, and she knew I knew so she walked back into the bedroom and I followed.

"Babe, come on what's wrong?"

"Brooklyn, I've just killed someone how are you not mad?"

"Because you protected yourself, and I couldn't be prouder of you, and if you hadn't of I would have" I said with a smile and she smiled back.

"Thankyou! I love you so much"

"I love you too, how about we all go to the park, you, me, the boys and Gianna?" She nodded, so we went into the kitchen and told them that all of us are going to the park, they all ran out of the house. I intertwine my fingers with Aubreys and we walk out the door.

Thankyou so much for reading.
love you all ❤️❤️
This chapter had 863 words

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