My project

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Alright, so I have a personal project I've been working on, and it's something that I've thought about doing for a while now, actually. I am given a writing prompt, a saying or phrase for example, and I write a short story based around it. The only two rules I have for myself, and for others if you decide to join me in this, is that you are not allowed to make up your own prompts, and you can't use the internet. So, I ask you guys, do any of you think you could give me some prompts to write stuff on? I would prefer if they explored the darker themes of humanity, but it's entirely up to you! If you do decide to do this with me, please, tag me in your story! I'd love to read some of them!

Stuff about my life!Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz