Oh god why

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Hey guys, Author-Chan here. What you see above, is my breathing mask. As many of you don't know, I suffer from a thing called Asthma. Been this way since I was born. When I was born, my mom literally got to hold me for five seconds, before I was rushed to the NicQ. My lungs, unlike normal people, have to work harder to get oxygen. The mask you see above releases a misted liquid into my lungs, letting them work better if I'm coughing or really sick. After I use it, I get really jittery and my heart rate jumps up to where a normal person should be, making it high for me. I used this thing all the time as a kid, getting rid of all my coughing with just a few treatments a month or so. So for about six years, I wanna say, I haven't used it. As I got older, I started to think I would never have to use it. But yesterday and today have proven me wrong. I had a fever of 99.9 yesterday, and I came home from school in the middle of fourth period as my fever had risen to 101.9. So, right now I have two sweatshirts on, two pairs of socks, a thick blanket on, and my fever is still causing me to be freezing cold. So, I will probably I will only be answering the pms when I can, if I'm not taking a nap. This is Author-Chan, signing off for now.

-last seen 3:30-

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