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Liked by bbae

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Liked by bbae.jy, jaechan.jae, seo.hyukkk and 103,299 others.

seo.seorin23     How's our performance today? I hope all of our fans love it

Just now. See translation.

View other 99,832 comments.
seo.hyukkk      My sister always did great 😍😍
bbae.jy      Thumbs up for you 😚
        --- View other 4,210 replies.
        just.jakowp    @bbae.jy   I miss you 😭😭
        flower.seo   @bbae.jy   So great to see
                                 Jinyoung still care about Seorin 😍

- - -

"So, we already finished our first day of our new album! Let's have a feast today!" Yeongju cheers all my members up.

"Seorin, you have a visitor. He's waiting at the corridor." The manager tells me after entering our waiting room.

"Woah! That must be Jinyoung. You're so lucky. He always care about you even though he's not performing anymore." Nana teases me, pushing me to get out from the room quickly. "Have fun with him."

My feet already leaves the room. I take a look along the corridor. "Is it really Jinyoung who visits me?" I muttered as I keep on searching for him.

A sudden back hug stops me from walking around. The soft hug is only from someone I know — Bae Jinyoung. I try to get out from his embrace but he hugs me tighter.

"I miss you.. Just let me hug you for a long time." He whispers.

I give him some time to fill in his empty space that missing me a lot. Another figures are coming towards me while holding bouquets of flowers. I try to examine their faces and the way they walk but my sight darkened.

"Don't look at them before you saw me first. I really want to be the first guy you see." Jinyoung closes my eyes using his hands.

".. But all the other staffs are here. It's quite uncomfortable to stay like this.." I finally excuse myself from his hug.

I turn to face Jinyoung. It's quite fascinating. He doesn't look different at all but became handsomer than before. I continue to wooing him by looking at his style and face.

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