035 | Aruement With Joe.

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Noelle's pov

After the accident which caused my girlfriend to die I hadn't been back to home farm but I had persuaded Gabby, Erin and even Belle to get Joe out of the house.

"are you sure you want to do this?" Erin asked as we sat on her bed cross-legged. I didn't know if this was the right thing to do.

"I guess it does sound a bit extreme" I worried that what I was doing was over-board. Erin amd Gabby was getting Joe out the house while Belle was staying with me. She hadn't wanted to leave my side for the last few days; not that I was complaining I've quite liked her company.

"Your going to be changing the locks to home farm! Extreme is not the words for it" Erin raised her eyebrows.

"It'll serve him right! He's lucky I've not gone to the police yet. He's lucky they didn't question me because I was in shock. Everything is still clear in my head so I am in my right mind to go to the station right now and report him for drink driving, hit and run and manslaughter or whatever they want to call it! I know he's my older brother but it's what he deserves" I said forcefully as my hands shook slightly.

"Are you sure this is what Cloe would want you to do" Erin asked and I wasn't so sure. I didn't know if it was the right thing to do but I knew it was something i had to do. I couldn't stay with Debbie for ages, I just didn't want to be a burden.

"Yes, she would want me to be happy and have a home and if this is what I have to do then I'm going to do it" I responded simply watching Erin nod. We left Erin's room and went to meet Gabby and Belle.

"So do we all know the plan?" I asked needing reassurance.

"We are going make sure he is out of the house while you get the locks changed." Gabby and Erin said in unison. I nodded and we went our separate ways, Erin and Gabby texted Joe blocking their numbers as Belle and I walked to home farm. We hid behind a bush and watched as joe left only moments before the lock-smith pulled into the drive way. Perfect timing if you ask me. I stood out the front of home farm and welcomed the man.

"All the locks will be changed in a hour, you got the money?" He asked not bothering to question my age. I took belle inside and got us both a drink while the lock-Smith does his job.

"Yes Rin' a hour. The locksmith will be gone in a hour then you and Gabby can come in the back way. I hope we can pull this off" I sighed down the phone to my younger sister.

"We can, you planned this down to the end results. It surely can't go wrong with your brains" Erin responded sounding positive.

"Look Gotta go Joe's heading this way" Erin quickly said

"Okay, stay safe. Both of you" I quickly said as we hung up the phone.

"Joe's catching up with Erin and Gabby. I hope they can pull this off" I exclaimed as I leant against the kitchen counter with Belle

"I'm sure they can. Joe can be pretty gullible, Erin and Gabby can be convincing. They can pull this off" belle smiled as she rubbed my back.

"Thank you Belle, for not leaving my side over the last few days. I don't know if I would have managed if I didn't have a friend like you at this time" I smiled to belle who nodded.

"You don't have to thank me. You lost your girlfriend; I saw how distressing It was for you." Belle smiled. The locksmith was soon finished and left after I paid, I gave Gabby and Erin a quick text saying the could come backs I locked the front door and back until they told me they were here. Their was going to be arguments when Joe gets back I knew it.

"I miss her" I soon mumbled, I felt Belle wrap her arms around me, she was comforting me and it did help, it really did

"I know you do Elle, you've got to stay strong, for Cloe and yourself." Belle comforted me, tears dropped from my eyes onto her shoulder wetting her t-shirt.

"Sorry I'm wetting your t-shirt" i mumbled which made belle laugh.

"Only you would be worried about that" belle paused with a laugh

"Just let it all or You'll feel much better afterwards, I promise" belle rubbed my back as I continued to cry. Soon Erin is and Gabby were back and I was stood in the door way of the front of the house. I saw joe pull in as the nerves filled my stomach

"What the hell do you think your doing!" Joe practically shouted making me jump slightly, I grinned as he couldn't get into the house.

"You don't deserve to live here! You killed my girlfriend. Now you've got a choice. Either go to the police on your own or I will go and tell them everything. By tomorrow mid-day. If you've not gone To them; then I will" I smirked folding my arms to prove I'm serious. I was extremely serious.

"You wouldn't" Joe smirked underestimating me

"Wouldn't I?" I raised a eyebrow to him through the door

"I know you Noelle, Family's important to you, you would shop your own brother to the police" Joe smirked and I shook my head.

"Family may be important to me but so was Cloe, I can't get her back can I! No. You took her away from me because you drove drunk! Your a idiot Joe, you could have killed me if Cloe never pushed me out the way. Now leave!" I shouted feeling my hands shake as I was angry and it was obvious I was angry.

"You will regret this Noelle!" Joe shouts turning away and getting into his car.

"You did well Elle, I'm proud of you" Erin smiled as the four of us girls went into the living room and sat down. It's not often you change the locks to your brothers house but when you do it makes your happy, theirs no denying that.

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