028 | Leaving School For Good

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Sensitive topics mentioned but not in details
- Jess xx

Sensitive topics mentioned but not in details- Jess xx

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Noelle's pov

I had just finished emptying my locker for the last time, I knew this was going to be hard to leave school but You have to move on sooner or later. I stood in the middle of the hall and looked around it was crazy to believe that it was the last time I'd be stepping inside these halls after eight years. I took a deep breath and walked out of the main school building and back to the boarding house which I called home for the last 7 years.

"This is goodbye" I whispered to myself, Pushing the house door open and going inside where I placed my bag by the door.

"Make sure you all have everything" Amanda called from wherever she was in the house. I walked up the stairs to what was mine and Sophia's dorm room. I opened my suitcase and packed the last few clothes away. I opened my second suitcase and added my shoes and all my other things I had in the room.

"I can't believe last night was the last night was the last night we were sharing a room. We're leaving today and never coming back here" Sophia pushed the door open.

"I know. I'm going to miss it after all our late night conversations and 3am talks which you talked me out of suicide when I thought i wasn't good enough for anyone. When I was getting bullied and was scared to tell anyone. You've been a life saver literally" I mumbled sitting on the bed with Sophia sitting next to me.

"What are best friends for if they can't help someone when they are in in their hour of needs" Sophia smiled as she watched my fiddle with my sleeves.

"You haven't have you" Sophia asked, I knew what she was on about.

"No I promised I wouldn't." I looked down, I was lying but she didn't need to know that. After our prom we had got split up and the girl who had bullied me since year 7 started calling me fat, she said I didn't deserve to attend the school and that none of my friends actually like me and that Cloe was just going out with me because she felt sorry for me.

"Noelle I can tell your lying, remember we've been roommate since year 7, I can tell something has been bothering you for the whole week." Sophia asked me and I looked down again.

"Im fine Soph, honestly" I lied once again.

"Noelle Clarissa Tate your such a bad lier. Now tell ,e what's going on or I'll have to keep bothering you until you tell me. Even if that means texting you every hour when your back at home" Sophia questions me. I looked down and bit my lip. I wasn't going to get away with lying much more.

"You've harmed again haven't you?" Sophia asked me calmly and I simply nodded unable to find my words

"Why didn't you talk to me Elle, why did you do it boo?" Sophia asked me curiously

"I thought if manage to get through it without help. I thought I could hide it from everyone. I guess I was wrong" I sighed. Sophia rubbed my back as she stood up. We both findihasd packing and took our things downstairs. I looked around, Memory's flashed back to me from the countless years I spent running around these halls with Molly and Cloe. Teasing the boys as we laughed endlessly. The one time it snowed and we teamed up girls against boys to have a snow ball fight.

"I'm going to miss it here" I whispered to myself as I wandered into the living room to say my finally goodbyes to everyone. Cloe was going home for two weeks then she was coming to the village to help me finish arranging our party.

"Noelle your taxi is here, say goodbye to everyone" I heard Amanda call from the hall, I felt myself welling up as I gave everyone a hug.

"Make sure you text me when you get home" Cloe warned me and I nodded slowly,

"You make sure you also text me when you get home" I warned my girlfriend who pulled me into a tight hug and kissed my forehead.

"Stay safe" I whispered

"Always" Cloe responded holding my hand as she walked me out to the car.

"Stay safe" Cloe whispered to me as we stoped by the open door of the car

"Always" I responded in a whisper giving Cloe one last kiss before getting in the taxi and waving goodbye to everyone. It was the end of a era as I left the school which made me, me.

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