A Lost Team Pursued By a Monster

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By the time we were outside we had already emptied our backpacks and brought a few of the sesame snaps that were in the snack shack so that we wouldn't get hungry on the way, besides, it would be quite awhile before we get to the superstore and if we need to we can always go to the Sobeys next to it. I held one of the snaps in my hand, remembering when Coen would bring them every now and then and they would always end up smashed and in the garbage or smashed and being digested in my stomach after him and Kaitlyn continuously threw it at each other. As soon as I realized that I was staring into the Void I put the snap away and looked up at the long road ahead of us.

"Ugh, it's just like walking to the church from school and back all over again." It was Reese speaking and she was actually quite correct about that, the church was a long ways away but instead of church and back it would be grocery store and back while safely trying to return without someone dying and on top of that their bags would be filled with food which meant lots of weight and so that we can bring more we would have to get some of the bags there and carry it all back.

Coen spoke up soon, "wait, didn't they go on the bus?"

"No, they just left early to get there faster, objective: get as much food and water as you can carry and bring it back so it could be sorted and divided." Kaitlyn recalled, probably from this morning during the meeting with the rest of the school. "Hopefully the situation isn't too bad."

Shantae shook her head, "it better not be or else I'm done. I don't wanna die at a store and especially not to whatever attacked us last time."

"Scissor bird," I reminded her, remembering the shadow of the creature's head and beak. It was definitely not a great thing to remember at the moment and who knows what might be thrown at them now.

"Miguel, can you give us a list of all the creatures of Rain World?"

I nodded and the images of each creature came into my mind. "Scissor bird, leviathan, daddy and brother long legs, spiders, wolf spiders, spitter spiders, scavengers, blue and red leeches, centipedes, infant, small, adult, overgrown, winged and red-" Shantae interrupted me after saying red.

"Wait there are flying centipedes too?"

I nodded, "and armoured ones that can shock a creature with enough electricity that could possibly kill sharks and maybe a small chance that it could also kill a whale. Anyways, lizards, green, magenta, blue, white, black, orange, cyan, salamander and red. Vultures and king vultures, rabbit walkers, worm grass, pole plants, monster kelp, noodleflies, batflies, lantern mice, grapple worms, slugcats... and that is all that I remember."

Both Shantae and Reese were looking at me with wide eyes, Reese though was the one to talk, "that's a lot of creatures."

A few more came into my mind, "wait I forgot, there are dropwigs, jetfish and jellyfish too and hazers if you want to count them in. And adding the fan made creatures would make that a bunch of different creatures I don't yet know about."

"Yeah I think you said enough for now," Reese looked over into the distance. "Look at some of those houses though."

When I turned to look I saw what she meant, and I hoped that it wasn't what I was seeing. The houses we completely destroyed, windows smashed, the door not even there, claw marks almost everywhere and then finally to add to that, blood. "We should try and move a bit faster, I don't want us to get attacked here in the open without anything to defend ourselves with." I said this because even though it was just past mid day and it was spring, there was an ominous atmosphere in the air, one that possibly means danger. But those claw marks were made by something with two claws and lizards were the creatures with two claws on each foot, meaning that there may definitely be a lizard out there, and falling into their jaws in Rain World isn't pretty. As we made our way past the houses and to the first turn on the road, the ominous feeling slowly faded away and the atmosphere was soon fine... until more destroyed building came into view.

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