Speculations, discussions and preparations

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My house was just outside, still intact and untouched by what I experienced. Me and my little sister ran to the house as fast as we could go, opening the door and shutting it behind us. After a few moments of panting my mom came up from the basement and looked at us with confusion.

"Why are you gasping for breath?"

I calmed myself down and answered, "we were running."

"Ok, well how was school? Anything exciting?"

I looked at my little sister and back at my mom, "yeah I guess you could say that, there was a lockdown and it wasn't a drill." She still looked at me questioningly, trying to get more information. "Something attacked the school and killed some of the other students, one of them were from my class. I saw it's shadow when it came into the room and it looked familiar so I need to use my computer right now so that I can see if I'm right about what I think it is."

"Wait what? What do you mean people died?" I went to my room and threw my stuff in the corner before running back out and jumping into the rally chair in the office of my house, quickly turning my computer on.

"People died and when I saw their bodies they were completely mutilated, blood all over the walls and the floor, you may think I'm crazy but I'm not and-" I looked at the screen of the computer when I tried to search something up. It displayed the words, "no internet connection". I tried again yet it still didn't work, even after trying to connect to the internet after seeing it was turned off didn't work. Giving up I sighed, "well looks like there isn't any internet now." All of the stuff that could've been linked to it was easily accessed in the internet... but. I looked at the app labeled, Rain World. "That might work," I said before opening the app. The logo popped up and soon after the menu showed. Scrolling down to arena, I put the memory of the thing's shadow in my mind and pressed play. The arena showed on screen and I pressed another button that brought up another menu, showing the images of different creatures and objects, I looked through until I found one with a beak and small head, clicked on it and then pressed play. And there it was, it was difficult to believe at first but the head and neck were the same shape... the same shape as a scissor bird's. I stared back into the Void for a few minutes, my mom had already left the room, and I soon closed the computer and left as well. Heading to my room and thinking of what I just saw. That can't be right, Rain World is something completely different from the real world, the rain in the game could crush bones and the creatures were bigger than any other creature on the planet. A blue lizard, the smallest of all the lizards, is almost the size of a bear in the real world. I shook it from my mind, it can't be true, or at least not confirmed until there is more evidence. Rain World was a game, there is not a chance in the world that it became real. A strange feeling emerged from inside of me, a feeling of wonder and curiosity mixed in with terror and fear. If it is real, then would anything made by fans be real now too? There were so many questions bursting from empty spaces of my mind, it almost felt like I was going to drown in them. Finally I managed to stop the flood of thoughts and make a small storage to keep them in so they wouldn't bother me, I can talk about them tomorrow when I go to school, I said to myself. I hadn't even noticed the passage of time when the garage door opened and footsteps came into the house, my dad was home. It was good to know that he was safe, but it may not stay that way if all of these questions and though were true. Him and m mom both started talking to each other, soon calling me to eat, I didn't feel hungry, in fact I may have lost my appetite as the memories of the mangled students returned. "I'm not hungry!" I called back to them, but still going to get a hug before I went to my room. Sitting down on my bed, every sense seemed like it had been taken from me, I didn't smell anything, couldn't hear anything, all feeling left my body and my vision slowly faded to black. There was nothing else, nothing but the Void that I now stared into without knowing that it was pulling me in. I fell asleep, tomorrow would be a new day, and hopefully a better one.

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