Sparking Ego

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It was a selfless act on your part, a narcissistic one as well.

Like a moth to a flame, like rain to a wilting flower, 

You and I were superglue.

Stuck together just like inseparable twins, 

We weren't to know of the pain yet to be unleashed.

It was a friendship that sparked from what you used to do, 

Who you used to be, 

Before the world tore away the beloved person I had come to call

My "Best friend".

Right before your sparking ego

Set light to your desperate soul  and took over everything of which made you so very lovable to me.

So I only suppose that it was both such a narcissistic act

And a selfless one as well

When you unleashed your inner pride, your inner ego, your desperate callings for


And I was thrown to the dust.

Coughing up your dirt had never tasted quite so bitter 

And so unsurprising at the same time.

With that, you ripped apart the superglue.

Left me flailing against strings of broken promises and distrust.

While you battled the new life you had come to adore built on

Pride. And such a sparking, ferocious, flame spitting  ego.

Your sparking ego, was both so narcissistic and selfless at the same time.

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