Chapter 1

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(The Arena after Raw)

John Cena- That was a great match tonight Punk! *pats his back*

CM Punk- *Looks at AJ.* Did you love it dear?

AJ Lee- *smiles* Loved it to death! *smiles and kisses Punk*

Dean Ambrose *pretends to throw up*

CM Punk- OH SHUT UP! *Get's in Dean's face*

Dean Ambrose- Get away before you get the beatdown of your life asshole!

AJ Lee- *seperates them* Guys! Stop fighting! Come on Punk, cheer up! Are we still going to have a campfire. *looks up and smiles at Punk*

CM Punk- *smiles back at AJ* Of course dear! *Looks at Dean* Only friends are invited.

AJ Lee- Oh Punk stop being a baby! *Turns around to Dean* Dean, your my friend so your invited! *smiles*

Dean Ambrose- Can I invite the guy's?

AJ Lee- YEAH! *hugs Dean and leaves with Punk*

CM Punk- I really don't like Dean. Why is he invited?

AJ Lee- He is my friend. So you have to deal with it!

CM Punk- *sighs* Who else is invited?

AJ Lee- Well I wanted to invite Stephanie, Vince and Hunter-

CM Punk *stops AJ from walking* Why would you want to invite them?

AJ Lee- I want too! Get off my back please! *walks away annoyed*

CM Punk- Ugh! Better invite some people.


(Daniel Bryan and Brie Bella's lockeroom)

Daniel Bryan- Brie, do you have everything?

Brie Bella- *Starts to think* Wait! I need to get something! I'll be right back! *leaves the lockeroom*

Daniel Bryan- Women.

???- Got that right! 

Daniel Bryan- *turns around and sees CM Punk* Hey Phil! What's up?!

CM Punk- Well AJ and I are inviting people to our bonfire later. Want to come?

Daniel Bryan- I'll go but I have to ask Brie just in case.

CM Punk- Alright man, just text me when she answers alright?

Daniel Bryan- Will do! I'll see you later! 

CM Punk- Alrighty bye! *gives him the address and waves goodbye and leaves*


(The McMahon's office)

AJ Lee *knocks on door*

Vince McMahon- COME IN! 

AJ Lee- *opens the door and shuts it.* Hi!

Stephanie McMahon- Hey AJ. What's up?

AJ Lee- Well I was wondering if you wanted to come to Punk and I's bonfire tonight. It starts pretty soon.

Stephanie McMahon- *turns to Hunter* Honey! Sounds fun! *turns back to AJ* We will go!

AJ Lee- *excited* Really?!

Triple H- *shocked and confused* Really?

Stephanie McMahon- Yes we will go. *smiles at AJ*

Triple H- So I get no choice in this? 

Stephanie McMahon- No. *looks at dad* What about you dad?

Vince McMahon- No I can't. I'm too busy. Sorry.

AJ Lee- It's okay! So meet up here at 12! Bye! *Hands them address and leaves the office*



AJ Lee- *skips to where Randy Orton and Paige's table is at* What's going on?! *smiles*

Randy Orton- Nothing. Just friend's chatting. So what's up shorty?

AJ Lee- Well Phil and I are inviting people to a bonfire tonight. And I'm inviting both of you!

Paige- Really?! That sounds so cool!

Randy Orton- Yeah I'll go! So who else is coming?

AJ Lee- You two, Stephanie and Hunter, Dean, Seth and Roman. I don't know who else.

???- Did you say Dean is going?

AJ Lee- *turns around and sees Renee Young behind her* Yeah! Wanna come?!

Renee Young- YES! I'll go anywhere as long as Dean Ambrose is there! *thinks about Dean*

AJ Lee- Alright well come by the woods by 12. *hands all 3 the address and leaves. Then looks at a text from Punk* 

CM Punk's text- Got Daniel, Brie, Dolph, John, Nikki, and surprisingly Stone Cold Steve Austin. (Guest host on Raw)

AJ Lee's text- AWESOME!


(The Woods)

CM Punk- Alright guys! Are you ready?!

Everyone- YEAH!

CM Punk- NO I SAID ARE YOU- Oh let's just go in!

Everyone- *they enter through the door and begin the journey*


Thanks for reading everyone! I hope you enjoyed it! I know nothing happened but next chapter is when everything will begin. 

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