Love At First Sight T.H

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This whole imagine idea goes to girl0722! She had requested for me to do an imagine about Y/n and Tom in the office. I changed it just a little bit but overall, it's gonna end with a good ending :)


There she was, over there. In her little office cubical, I couldn't get my mind off of her. It's like someone or something is calling me towards her. I just can't look away from her but, I'm gonna end up getting caught either way. 

"Hey there little spidey boy! What cha doing now? Spying on Y/n again?" Asked Jim, one of my best office friends, he's like an older brother to me. He loves taunting me about Y/n.

"No! Just doing my work, which that's what you should be doing."

"I'm on break, and my break consists of watching you and making sure you don't creep Y/n out."

"I'm not creeping her out."

"Well. Well. Well. That's not what Pam told me."

"Wait! What did she tell you?!"

"She told me that Y/n got a few glances of you looking at her." 

I slap my face and realize what I done, she knows that I look at her!

"Why don't you talk to her?"

"She always either talking to you or Pam."

"What can I say, I attract the ladies." 

"Then why don't you ask her out?!"


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 

Your point of view

As you were in your little office, you kept glaring over to either see Tom looking at you. Almost all the time, you knew his eyes were always on you. You knew not to look up because, you'll start blushing like crazy. You liked Tom and you knew he definitely liked you back. You were always afraid to talk to him cause, you knew you'll blush right in front of him or run away and make Tom feel sad. You decide to see if Tom still liked you before you made a move.

"You eyeing him over there still?" Asked Pam coming through

"Well, kinda, I still want to know if he still likes me."

"Honey, he does. Jim tells me everything he does and don't worry. I told Jim to keep your secret. He loves messing with Tom."

"Thanks, what do you think I should do? Tell him?"

"Well, what I hear is that, Tom thinks Jim likes you. Even though Jim only likes you as a friend. Jim's my honey." Said Pam as she started to chuckle to herself.

"Should I tell him though?"

If I were you, I would. He'll probably beat Jim up before our next date." She wispeared  as you both started laughing.

"Thanks Pam." 

"Anytime little me." She said as she began to go back to her desk.

The hardest thing about today is to tell him that you like him, the question always popped in your head, "Does he still like me?" "Does he still have feelings for me?" You had to find out today, you just couldn't get him out of your head, even though you work together.

"Hey Y/n" Said a familer voice

You look up from your work to see him, Tom. Tom was standing above you, looking down at you. You froze when you started to look at him.

"Yeah..." Was all you could say.

"I just have one question, I don't mean to hurt your feelings or anything but, it's been on my mind for some time."

"What is it?"

"Do you like like Jim?"

"No! I mean, I don't like like him in that way, I just like him as a friend. That's all."

Tom swipes his forehead with relief.

"Well, my next question should be easy then...maybe?"

"And...what is that question?"

"Would you want to go out sometime?"

As you were about to answer his question, two voices behind you startled you.

"Say yes!" Said Jim and Pam

"You'll be happy about it!" Said Pam as you went to look back at the couple.

"I think I got this guys...

You turn back towards Tom, you heard was pounding, you couldn't believe that your crush was asking you out on a date. Say something! As you said it to yourself.

"I would love to go on a date with you." You say as you and Tom had a smile on your faces while, Pam and Jim were all cheery.

"Aww...the kids have grown up" Said Jim

I hoped you enjoy this imagine, I just winged it. Well all of it :)

If you haven't followed me yet, please do! Don't be shy! Follow and become a Noodlehollander! 

Lots of love!



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