Dear Older Brother

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I frantically wait for school to end, hoping to see my new friend.

He's really nice.

He carried me to school.

I hardly know him, but i trust him.

He seems connected to me somehow.

Tom apparently cant see him.

Finally the bell rings, and I quickly sprint to my cubby and grab my backpack.

I rush out yhe door, only to be greeted with tom.

I frown slightly,  but then smile again.

"Hey big bro!"

I try to speak quietly, but i fail miserably. 

He covers his ears.

"Oops, sorry!"

I scream-whisper.

"Its ok. Let's get home."

I take hold of his huge hand, as I see a faint glow creeping from around the corner.

I gasp, and see my friend jump out of the shadows and hug me.

Tom looks completely confused.

"Tommy! Look! It's my new friend!"

I geuster towards the new friend, as tom glares.

"Tamara, there is nothing there."

"B-But, yes there is! He's right here!"

I frantically look back at him. He mouths

"Call me stay boy"

I smile.

"His name is star boy!"

Tom's face goes pale, as he drags me home quickly.

Once we arrive home, he sets out backpacks down, and roughly pulls me towards our room.

I try to pull away.

His grip is too strong.

I struggle against him.

He then is able to get me I to the room, as he closes and locks the door.

"Where did you hear that name?"

I look at him confused. 

"You... do know he is right next to you, right?"

Tom shrieks and flails his arms around.

Star boy grabs my arm and pulls me to the window.

"Do you trust me?"

He asks, as I nod.

He jumps, pulling me along as tom shrieks more.

He quickly pulls me onto his back, and I hold my grip along his neck.

He lands on the ground feet first.

He starts to run towards the only place in this entire town that my mom and tom tell me is forbidden-

The waterfall.

Star Boy races through the jungle, as we finally reach the waterfall.

He looks at me.

"Hold your breath."

I do as I told.

He jumps in, as do i.

Everything that seems real starts to fade..

Everything is becoming blurry.

All I can see is star boy and water.

My eyes start to tear up, as he holds me close.

A bright light emits from the bottom of the pool.

He dives down quickly.

We reach the bottom, as everything finally turns to dust.

Dear Little Sister~ [Dear StarBoy Sequel]Where stories live. Discover now