[Chapter] 5 : Unexpected Hospitality( on hold)

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a couple of days away from the  mysterious plan  the higher ups from both CoDEC and imperials released, the coDEC fleet received a call from the imperial king himself , saying that the asgard and its fellow fleet was invited to the royal palace itself, although ,  some coDEC members didn't trust the king, saying that this was a stupid idea , that they were being lured to a trap,  but nonetheless, the higher ups didn't listen to the others disagreement, especially Neil telling them to
"Throw yourselves  out of the ship " If they dont like their decisions,

As they arrived at the 'Kingdom' ,  a couple of imperials was there to guide the fleet towards the hangar,  when they did land, the king was there to greet them, the Kingdom looked huge, it looked like it was straight from a comic book,  but unfortunately,  they weren't invited here for sight seeing. They were invited here to discuss about the group called Asgardians, the one that attacked both imperial and coDEC last time,  

 They were invited here to discuss about the group called Asgardians, the one that attacked both imperial and coDEC last time,  

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"War always makes us human beings improve, war is the reason why we have these machines, war is the reason why we evolved! We're only a bunch of war machines, that's purpose is to FIGHT!, I don't fight for any cause, I don't fight for any honorable reason , I fight , because I fight to win, "

"War always makes us human beings improve, war is the reason why we have these machines, war is the reason why we evolved! We're only a bunch of war machines, that's purpose is to FIGHT!, I don't fight for any cause, I don't fight for any honorabl...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2018 ⏰

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