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Angelina watched him sleeping, his head buried in her lap, when suddenly Mel burst in. "Omg, Gina, I-" Whatever she wanted to said Angelina wouldn't know until later because when she saw Harry she stopped abruptly.
"Hey, Mel", her best friend smiled. She Harry's head on a cushion, stood up and dragged Mel with her to the kitchen. "I don't want to wake him", she explained.
Mel just stared at her.
"What? Do I have something on my face or what's wrong?", the young woman asked irritated.
"No,no, it's just - that is Harry??"
"Yeah he is. What's the matter? Why you're acting so strange suddenly?" Gina was now utterly confused.
"It nothing really - I - I just thought I know him but I don't. I mistook him for somebody", Mel lied hoping her bestie wouldn't notice. How could it be possible that Harry freaking Styles laid on their couch it their living room without Gina knowing?

"I'm sorry to interrupt, but could I have some water, please?" Harry suddenly stood in the door. He looked very sleepy and his curls were a mess. Mel just looked at him starstruck causing the other to elbow her slightly when she had given him a glas of water.
"By the way, this is Mel, my best friend I told you about", Gina introduced Mel to him.
"We met before if I recall correctly. You were the friend who brought her home the night at the disco where Gina and I first met, right?"
"Yeah that's true", Mel replied. "It's nice to meet you properly this time."
"The honor is all mine", Harry smiled. "Well, I'm afraid I have to go now. I slept for at least four hours. Whatever have you done all this time?"
"I read. Pride and prejudice."
"It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife. That's how it starts if I'm not mistaken."
"That's correct. I can't believe you read it - I don't want to offend you by saying that but I've never met a man who has read it." The young woman was astonished.
"My sister, Gemma, forced me to read it and don't worry I'm not offended. I must admit most men don't really read Jane Austen", he said laughing at her wonder. "I'll be on my way then. See you, Angel!"

As soon as he had left the flat she had to endure Mel's flood of questions.
"You told him???"
"Told him what, Mel?"
"That you are Angel Ray, of course. Why else would he call you 'Angel'?" Mel looked at her questioningly.
"What? No, I didn't tell him anything! He came up with this nickname himself. I don't plan on telling him, anyway."
"Well, one thing is sure if he calls you 'Angel' then: he must really like you ", Mel grinned smugly. She just had to make sure that Gina wouldn't find out that Harry was the famous Harry Styles or else there would never be a chance for them...

Angel • h.s.Where stories live. Discover now