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Harry Styles and Jess Linden split up
An insider confirmed that Harry and Jess are over. According to the the insider Jess broke up with Harry, after the model returned from her trip to Milan because she met someone there. Apparently Harry is truly heartbroken. He hasn't been seen outside his house since he returned to London...

How could she do this to him? Harry was confused and heartbroken. When he and Jess had been texting she always had told him how much she loved him and now that? Why? He refused to see any friends, not even Niall or Louis. He scrolled through the pictures on his phone of him and Jess and deleted them one by one. Whilst doing that he stumbled across a  picture he had taken of Angelina which made him remember that he had to tell he couldn't meet her today.

To Gina:
Hey, Gina, I truly sorry but I can't meet you today. Hope you understand....

She replied almost immediately.

To Harry:
Don't worry it's ok. Are you all right?

To Gina:
I've been better tbh...

To Harry:
What's the matter, love, if I may ask?

To Gina:
I told you that my gf was traveling, right? She left me for some guy she met there...

To Harry:
I'm so you maybe come over and talk about it? You don't have to if you don't want to

To Gina:
Maybe that would help...I'll come over in an hour?

To Harry:
Sounds great I'll text you the address! See you then!

Harry smiled. There was something special about that girl. He could be himself with her.

An hour later he arrived at her front door and knocked. She opened almost instantly.
"Hey, H", she smiled. "Come in!"
He stepped in and suddenly had the urge to hug her tightly. At first she was slightly taken aback by his action but then hugged him back. Harry felt himself tearing up no matter how often he had told himself he would not cry. Gina just hold him tightly stroking his back without saying anything. When he had calmed down a bit she took him by the hand like a little child, led him to the living room and made some warm milk with honey for them. When she returned and sat down next to him on the couch he was still sniffing a bit.
"Here", she gave him the cup, "drink that. It always helps me when I'm heartbroken." Harry tried a smile but it failed miserably.
"Thanks ", he said quietly.
"Wanna tell me what happened with Jess?", she asked.
"I told you she was traveling to Milan for two weeks, didn't I?"
"Yeah, you did."
"She returned on Thursday, I picked her up from the airport and when we had dinner at my house she told me that she had met a man in Milan she liked very much and she said she realized that she doesn't love me anymore...", he stopped and looked down on his hands.
"You really love her, don't you?"
"Yeah, I do. Maybe too much... but after all we were together for two years... I just thought I meant more to her because she did to me..." Angrily he wiped his tears away. Gina put an arm around him.
"It's not your fault, Harry, you know that, don't you?"
"But I must have done something that caused her to fall for another..", he replied forcefully. "Believe me, it is not your fault. If you did all the things you told me you were the perfect boyfriend and she's just stupid if she doesn't see that", she assured him. "And if she doesn't see it she's not worth one tear."
"If you say so", he looked at her. "Thanks, Gina. It really helped talking about it. You're an angel, you know? Wouldn't that be the perfect nickname for you, anyway? I mean the word 'angel' is already in your name..." He smiled a little which he hadn't done since the break up.
"If you think it would suit me", she grinned.
"It's perfect for you!" Suddenly he felt really tired, after all he hadn't sleep since Thursday and now was Saturday. He just put his head in her lap and fell asleep with a little smile on his lips.

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