Play Dates (PART 2)

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Needles to say, walking into that kitchen was dreaded by the blond who's pout was bigger than it ever had been.

Was it really that important to do the naughty things?

Did Yoongi not love him enough?

Endless possibilities raced through his frantic mind. All of which were not true, but Seokjin knew best so there was no questioning it.

"Hey, babe are you okay?"

Jimin looked up with a saddened expression, locking eyes with his worried boyfriend.


Jimin thought about it. And no, neither one of them actually took charge to ask the other out. So of course, in little Jimin's mind, that meant alot.

"I-I don't feel well." He mumbled, fists coming up to rub at his eyes, desperate not to cry.

A soft cold hand came up to caress the younger's cheek.

"It's okay baby, you just need to get some food into you." And with that the younger was being dragged over to an empty chair across from Jin and to his side, Namjoon.

A big meal sat infront of him, everyone tucking in and enjoying the conversations.

He just stared desperately at his food, pushing it around with his fork to pass the time.

"Minie, why aren't you eating? I thought you said you were hungry earlier?" Furrowed eyebrows replaced the natural soft look he usually had, down turned lips causing creases to appear in his pale porcelain skin.

"M'not hungry." Was all he could say in return, an agitated tone simply woven into it.

Yoongi heaved a sigh before turning his body on the chair to face the younger.

"Jimin, don't start this with me." He voiced sternly. "I'm not in the mood to get angry. So behave."

He turned back on his chair to face a slightly awkward Namjoon, his lips pursed as if he too had been in the exact same situation.

"Anyway, what were you saying about that zombie movie?"

And so, Jimin was left to look at his sad plate of food. The dinosaurs decorating the sides not bringing Jimin any closer to a smile like they used to.

"Pst!" The tiniest whisper had woken Jimin from his thoughts, slightly startled by the interruption.

Seokjin was looking at him with a small smirk, confusing Jimin a little as he began not-so-subtly pointing at the two chatting away.

Jimin starred up at Namjoon and Yoongi, the pair talking of some zombie movie involving a gay couple who had started of as enemies. He remembered watching it when he was in big space once. And even then he was terrified.

His brows furrowed more as he looked at them, completely unsure of what it was Seokjin was trying to hint at.

That was until he turned his head back to look at the brunette.

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