Meeting the twins

18 0 0

Charlottes POV

Three girls in my apartment. All eighteen years old!! Kate Chloe and me. We have all been best friends since we was around 12 years old. I took Spanish for my GCSE so where going to Spain for a holiday, sadly I have to live with another family for a year that I don't know but, I got an A-, Considering I could say five Spanish words when I was 11 I'm pretty impressed!
So I vlog but have a pretty small channel. Like only 50+ subs.... one of the girls says while holding my vlog camera, "Yo Charlotte ! Your on tinder right?" So I answer yes... Charlotte your too young for tinder! Is what I hear from the living room. "What did you do. How old are you on tinder!" I say 21 because it's the first age I though off. So she ,who's still recording, says "you should swipe right on the Martinez twins!!!" I went bright red and they was all shouting "OH MY GOSHHHHH!! She likes them!!! She thinks there FINE!!!" I stayed red but stormed off shouting "shut! up!" I forgot this was all on video at this point. She was still recording when I came back out of my room. I said "so what if I like them, there my celebrity crush." But then, some fans of the twins saw my video, because I'm a weirdo and  i posted it, SAVAGE 101. They spread it to the twins who posted a video reacting to it. I didn't even have words. I was shook, like really shook! I then was talking about going to Spain and tinder which reminded Chloe, the girl who recorded it all, of the twins. I was talking about living with another family for a year. And my friends where staying in a hotel near by. I didn't know who I saw staying with, I just knew the address of it.
Two days later:
I was told the address had been changed but I didn't know why,So the school had lots of meeting explains to me what was happening and why it had changed. They basically said someone had rung up and asked if I could stay with them .It was closer to the hotel than the other address as well. I was so happy to be closer to my friends.
1 week later:
When we first got to the air port, we had no idea what we was doing and I started to panic in case we missed our flight but after around 15 minuets we figured out what we was doing with help from one of the people who was working there.
*Skip plane flight*
We was in the  air port after our plane landed. My friends stayed with me until the people came to pick me up. I heard someone shout my name. I turned round and walking towards me was Emilio and Ivan Martinez. My jaw literally dropped. I completely ignored my friends  until I turned around to see them and there mouths dropped too. They came over to me and was like "Yo, have you seen a Charlotte Makepeice anywhere?" I just said yeah. "Cool do you know where can we find her?" Was what they said back to me. My head exploded and I couldn't proses that THIS WAS THE FAMILY!! I calmly said "I am." They replied "great let's go!" I said bye to my friends and off I went to go live with the Martinez twins. I was vlogging when the twins showed up. I think that's why they came over to me and my friends. I stopped vlogging as soon as they came over. And started vlogging back at the house when I was in the bed room. I was sharing a room with there sister. At first i was worried they was going to prank me. There sister came in when I was vlogging and was really quite and at first stopped speaking and just put my camera down and said hola quietly. She said "hola mi llamo Rebeca!" So I said "mi llamo charlotte..."The rest of the night we spoke just to get to know each other.
Around 3 am:
I heard Emilio talking to his brother. Or the other way around... they was talking about me. He was saying he thought I was cute since that video and he never though I would Be living with him for a year. At that moment I heard the door open and then say "shh!" Then they saw I was awake and so was his sister. I was editing while we was quietly talking. They walked in and Emilio said "oh... well that failed Ivan." Me and Rebeca looked at each other and said  "what failed?" Rebeca then shouted "You better not have been trying to prank us..."They Both said no shaking their heads, At the same time!!
I was really quiet when they was round. Rebeca said I acted weird when they walked in the room. I just said "I think I'm just not the type of person that really talks to any type of boy unless I grew up with them or there family" then she said "For a year you live with us, your our family now." I didn't know how to reply so I just said ok and went back to editing my video. After I had finished I turned around and Rebeca  was asleep. I put my laptop down and tried to sleep however Jet lag had another idea. I couldn't sleep one bit. Not one tiny bit. What I needed to do was stay awake all day then I'd be really tired and sleep at night. Energy drinks for the win!!

Authors note-
Hey! So this is my first story and as you can tell it's a fan fiction about the Martinez twins + Rebeca ( sorry if I spelt her name wrong). This is my first story  and not all chapters will be this long. Some will be short. If you like the story leave some ideas for me so I can have some more ideas for the story. Thanks! Byeee

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