CHAPTER 32 * Failed proposal

Start from the beginning

I chuckled.

It was only then that I withdrew my hands, already missing her soft cheeks. I straightened and went to my seat. She seemed to have come back to reality, but just in case, "this is real, I am real. You're not dreaming and you're not insane." I said as reassuringly as I could.

"This is real? You're real? I actually look like this?" she looked down at herself.

"Yes, you do?" I said.

"You're a prince." She wasn't asking. "As in royalty. Like your father is a king. And your mother is a queen. And you live in a kingdom." I couldn't help snort at what she was saying.

I let her go through it on her own and awaited whatever questions she would have.

"Those guards outside, they're guarding the prince. We are the only ones who wear black because you're a prince. That's what you meant by important person. That's why everyone kept bowing down to you. That's why you're such a control freak." My eyes narrowed at this.

She looked at me sheepishly.

"Sorry, but it's kind of true."

She tilted her head to the side, "Is that why you talk funny?"

"Talk funny?" I asked.

"Well not funny, just...sophisticated like. You use really good English. Speaking of English, why do you speak English so well? Shouldn't it be like, Hebrew or something?"

"We left after the English language had already been created. It was the most widely spoken language even then, so of course I speak English very well. I've been speaking it my whole life."

She let out a breath and slouched into her seat. "A prince. A real life prince." She looked up at me as if seeing me for the first time. "How did I not notice this before? All those slip ups that I thought were just that, slip ups. I never would have thought this," she gestured with her hands, "not in my wildest dreams." She continued looking at me.

"Are you infuriated with me for not telling you?"

"Infuriated?" she repeated, "mm, a little," she replied.

"Only a little?" I asked.

She pondered for a bit, "if you had told me when we first met, I might not have been able to get to know you like I do now. The very idea of royalty is intimidating. Even if you were nice to me in the beginning, the fact that you were a prince would have forced me to act a certain way around you."

"So, what I am hearing is, I made the right decision to keep it from you?" One side of my mouth rose.

She saw the look on my face and said, "That isn't what I said at all."

"I was just reading in between the lines."

"Well, you should consider reducing what you read," she crossed her arms in front of her.

I chuckled, "don't you have any questions for me?"

"Tell me about yourself, this time, without leaving anything out." She uncrossed her arms and sat properly.

I told her all there was to know about me, without leaving anything out, as per her request.

"Now it makes sense, Nala, your mother, Anigra." She said. She quickly looked at me, I'm sure to see if the mention of Nala or my mother affected me, but it hadn't. I was glad someone knew about me, and I was glad it was her. I hadn't even told Purit about any of this, I just couldn't trust anyone with my ghosts, no one but her.

We migrated to the kitchen to have our lunch.

"So, do I have to like, start bowing to you and stuff?" she asked and then shoved some food into her mouth.

ABDUCTED: HOW THEY MET (bwwm)(completed)(EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now