Chapter 5 - Memories

Start from the beginning

He couldn't give her things, she couldn't give him things either.

They could've just talked.

I sign the papers telling them I've read and understand the rules, heading back to the lady as soon as Oliver is done too. We sign in, get a name tag and are told to take a seat for another couple of minutes.

Then we're picked up by security guards, we have to empty out our pockets, leave behind our belongings for the time being, and walk through a metal detector. We're searched quickly and then we're guided to a room with about twenty to thirty tables. We're not the first ones inside, and Emma is already seated at a table, nervously biting her nails while staring at a couple close to her.

Her hair is pretty much a mess and she looks hideous in the mandatory prison clothes.

To her, orange isn't the new black.

"Emma." I use little to no emotion in my voice, let alone show any in my demeanour.

"Cristian!" she slightly jumps in her seat and she moves to get up. "And..."

"Oliver," Oliver introduces himself with a cold voice, sitting down without shaking her hand.

"Ooh..." Emma stares at him with wide eyes. "Finn's friend, right?"

"Yeah." Oliver stares at her, not trying to hide his hatred towards her, while I'm doing my best to stay neutral. I don't want to piss her off. The rules clearly stated Emma has a right to leave and head back to her dormitory whenever she pleases.

"I was kind of surprised when I heard you wanted to visit me." Emma shortly looks towards Oliver, but eventually settles on making eye-contact with me. "My own parents won't even visit me so I'm kind of thankful that you want to...

"We're just here because we have some questions." I cut her blabbering short, trying to ignore the need to feel sorry for her that even her own parents won't visit.

"Ooh... right." She nods, looking sad. "Can I say something first?" She whispers insecurely, not looking at us at all.

"No, you just get to answer the questions Cristian has," Oliver deadpans, staring daggers at her. "We're not here because we like you, because we don't. We're not here to listen to your blabbering, we just want answers."

"Right," Emma squeaks, silencing again right afterwards.

"Emma, is it true you're pregnant?" I drop the first bomb since I can't wait a second longer to find out the story. I just did not expect her to start crying at the que of that question.

"Oh, god..." Oliver groans, sliding down in his chair a bit.

"I am..." Emma sobs, trying to forcefully wipe away the tears that are rolling down her tears. "I am so, so sorry..." She covers her face with one hand – which has no result since her hands are tiny – and places the other on her belly.

I have a weird feeling right now, that is close to feeling really, really jealous.

Finnley slept with Emma.

"Did he sleep with you willingly?" I ask, impressed by my ability to keep a steady voice.

Emma takes in a deep breath, before she shakes her head. "I kind of forced him..." Emma's voice is unstable and she's about to start crying worse any moment now. "Promised to help him come home... or else I would help Jeff to sell him..." Her face is red like a tomato and I stare at her in disgust.

"You're pathetic..." Oliver hisses at her, and I hit him against his upper arm to silence him.

"I know!" Emma cries out in desperation. "I knew I couldn't stop Jeff from selling him and I just wanted to feel loved by Finn one more time..." She now covers her face with both her hands. "I'm disgusting, I'm pathetic... I don't deserve him or anything else then being in here."

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