The day before the Gorgeous Llama & the Blind Alpaca see Paramore & Fall Out Boy

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Yesterday the Gorgeous Llama finally heard the beautiful voice of her best friend Jess aka the Blind Alpaca in the past two weeks. The two of the slaved to find the perfect time to catch the trolley, the subway, and the ferry to go see their favorite bands. Emma's favorite band is Paramore, and Jess loves Fall Out Boy. So, since Jess is so blind, Emma went on Google Maps today and found the route from where they would get off the subway to the ferry. Emma knows just how blind Jess is, so she found the easiest route possible. Emma also spent the whole day preparing to see Fall Out Boy by listening to their newest album. (Emma already knows all the words to every Paramore song so she didn't need to study those lyrics) Listening to the music got Emma really excited to see her favorite band for the first time in four years. Emma can't wait to also give Jess her other present (since she bought Jess's Monumentour ticket as her birthday present (isn't she just the coolest friend?)) which is a poster of her face. Don't ask, Jess really wanted the poster Emma's grandmother llama gave her for no reason. Emma just can't wait to spend the day with Jess, and hopes that Jess's blindness won't get in the way of their journey through the cities of Phildelphia and Camden.

Wishing us luck,

                        The Gorgeous Llama

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