Start from the beginning

I sighed, before weighing my options. I strained to look behind me. The floor wasn't that far from the top of the bed and I was pretty sure there were a pile of clothes at the bottom. After I had changed into sweats last night and Stiles' had discarded his many shirts, we kind of just left them on the floor. That should break the landing a bit for him.

"Here goes nothing," I muttered, wrapping my arms around his neck.

Using all the force I had pent up in my five foot two sixteen year old body, I rolled. Stiles was above me for a split second before his back hit the edge of the bed. We were sent plummeting to the floor and Stiles' back smacked off the hardwood and clothing.

His eyes snapped open and he was looking up at me curiously. He let out a tiny groan. "Not that I'm against the idea of you being on top of me, but why are we on the floor?"

"Morning babe," I laughed in response, before swatting him for his comment. "Up and at 'em, kid. We got school."

"Kid?" he asked. "Really?"

"Still older than you baby," I smirked. "Just get ready."

I got up and snatched my bag of toiletries off my vanity before smiling at him.

"I liked it better when I didn't know why you were on top of me," he grumbled, getting up nonetheless.

I pushed past a couple of freshman into the library. Scott and Stiles texted me like five minutes ago that I was meant to be meeting up with them and Allison in there. They literally caught me on such short notice, considering I was down by the art wing less than three minutes ago. I pretty much sprinted here, in heels.

The first thing I noticed upon entering the library was that there was a giant white camera watching everyone's movements. Allison hadn't been kidding when she told me about them. They were practically everywhere. And by everywhere, I mean everywhere. Hallways, pointing into classrooms, cafeteria, the pool, the gym. The only place they couldn't have them were locker room and bathrooms, but knowing the Argent's, they probably had something watching us in there too. It was seriously a little much. Like I get that they wanted to make sure Allison and Scott maintained like an eighty foot perimeter from each other, but Jesus Christ.

I sighed, before glaring at the camera. I walked off towards the bookshelves, knowing Stiles told me to find them by the Austen's. I barely ever came in here so finding them was slightly difficult. I was looking around carefully before something grabbed my wrist and yanked me into an aisle.

I looked up seeing Stiles, who was giving me a sheepish grin. Scott was next to him, shaking his head at my boyfriend's choices. I pushed lightly on Stiles' shoulder. "A simple hey, over here wouldn't have sufficed?"

He rolled his eyes. "Too late for that." He plucked a big brown leather covered book from one of the shelves. When he did so, it left an opening and a pair of dark eyes were now visible.

Allison gave us a nod and slid a black tablet through the space. Scott grabbed it and turned it on. The text of the bestiary was on one side, while a giant computerized post-it note was on the other, full of translation.

"That's everything Lydia could translate," Allison said softly as the three of us looked it over. "Trust me, she was very confused."

"What did you tell her?" Scott asked.

"That we were part of an online gaming community that battles mythical creatures," she laughed.

I raised an eyebrow. "Yeah, you would think that would be funny, but this one actually is a part of an online gaming community that battles mythical creatures," I said dryly, jerking a thumb in Stiles' direction.

Holding Out for a Hero ▸ Stiles Stilinski (2)Where stories live. Discover now