
"Miss (Y/L/N), a word," Cerulli says coolly as the bell rings, all the other students chattering as they gather their things. No one pays any attention as he keeps you after class. You give it a few moments, hovering at your desk as you wait for the last peer to disappear through the door. There's only a heartbeat before you're walking across the room and locking it as well, just in case.

Cerulli snorts; look at you being careful.

"What's up?" You ask after a moment, turning around to look at him curiously. If you're being honest, you're nervous to be in a room with him again. Everything seems a little different with graduation being so close, you don't know what to do ---- you honestly don't want to leave just because of him. 

What if you go to college and you hate it? What if you can't make friends? What if you fail? What if you have to move back to your hometown because you can't make it? What if you hate your teachers?

So many horrible scenarios have run through your head!

And what if... what if you never see Cerulli again? What if he disappears after this year, and you never know what happens to him?

"What weekend will you be free again?" Your teacher asks after a few moments, standing behind his desk casually. He has his hands slipped into his pockets nonchalantly, but he's looking at you so intently you shift.

"Um, this one I think. Dad's out of town, Mom's going to see him --- he's been working extra so he can get my graduation off."

"Ah, perfect. So your parents are leaving you alone?"

You frown; what, is he going to kill you to keep his secret?


"Maybe?" Now he looks amused. "Are you free this weekend or not?"

".... I am, yeah. From my family, anyway."

"Perfect. Then my house, seven pm."


"What?" You stare at him in surprise. His house? Is he crazy!? What if someone sees the two of you?  "Are you serious?"

"Very." He doesn't even stutter. This could perhaps be the last time the two of you get to spend together, so it's very important to him that it goes well. He wants to spend at least one last afternoon doing to you all the things he's so painstakingly taught.

And a few more, if you're willing.

"My place. Seven PM. Park in the garage as before."

"What if someone ---?"

"Don't worry about that. Just be there."

You purse your lips. "You're bossy today."

"I'm your teacher."

"Not for long."


Well, this didn't exactly go as Cerulli planned.

He had dinner delivered, all your favorite food, some ridiculous movie playing on television when you arrived. You had your bag over your shoulder, looking dubious to the whole situation but not against it.

He hadn't touched you in weeks, not since prom. You'd been starting to worry maybe he was growing bored with you, that now that he'd taught you some stuff, he was losing interest. You're not sure what the future holds for your relationship other then it's inevitable end, but it's... well, you'll miss it.

So you'd been pleasantly surprised when you'd walked in and saw dinner planned, that he'd actually decided to do something nice for you. This wasn't just a booty call of you coming over and then leaving, although Cerulli doesn't really seem like the kind of person to do that to you, you have too much history now.

Mr. CerulliWhere stories live. Discover now