kit ; applications

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There is no God. Not a God who would create the things I saw.

(Please fill out in one thread)

o. Your name
i. Your age
ii. Why you want to join this
iii. Your favourite character played
by Evan.
iv. Why you love Evan.
v. What you can contribute to this
vi. How active are you?
vii. Do you have any other social site we
can contact you on if needed? If so, we'll direct message you to ask.
(Kik, instagram, etcetera.)

We will only be accepting six admins, so we will be choosing wisely. If you have further questions, please contact this account in direct messaging, Apollo or Analia's main accounts, and we will try our best to answer your questions about this account.

Even if we do fill in our admin spots, it will be alright if you could still fill out the form for if an admin leaves (:

KIT    ( admins. )Where stories live. Discover now