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Ellie quickly recovered from the shock of her partner. She walked over and sat down. Calm down and get it together Ellie she chided herself. She looked over at her friends who were teasing each other and giggling quietly. She pulled out the notebook she had reserved for the math class and opened it up to the first page. The second bell rings and the teacher calls the class to attention. He gives the usual first day of school talk. Hi I'm your teacher blah blah blah. They've heard it all before. Ellie glanced over at her partner who was writing on his paper. She snapped her head up when she heard the teacher tap the board. On the board was a beginning exercise. It was asking them to write down class norms with their partner. Ellie cleared her throat and looked at David. He look at her and raised his eyebrows as if to say "Well?"
"Probably that when we do independent work it needs to be quiet." She said with a matter of factly voice. David scoffed "Bo-ring!" He said, emphasizing the word.
"Got any bright ideas?" Ellie said as if to challenge him.
"Yes!" He said looking at Ellie who was leaning back smirking and crossing her arm. "Uh..."
"I'm waiting!"
"No blurting out!" He said, unable to think of anything else.
"That goes along with what I said!" Ellie said flinging her hands up in the air.
"Um no." David said attempting to cover up his own stupidity.
"Yes!" Ellie said slapping the desk "Just admit you're wrong and I'm right!"
"But I'm not wrong!" He said laughing.
Ellie rolled her eyes thinking This is going to be a long year! The teacher called attention to the front saying that they needed to make a poster out of the norms they had come up with. Ellie hurried from her seat, eager to get away from David, and rushed to the back to grab markers. In the back she pulled Caitlyn aside.
"My partner is so annoying!" Ellie complained.
"Complaining already?" Caitlyn asked sassily. She brushed her brown hair from her face and smiled. Ellie groaned and went back to her desk. She threw a dirty look at her snickering friends. David cleared his throat "Ellie? Stop staring at your friends and help me on the poster!" Ellie snapped her head and looked at him then the poster.
"Oh um right! So I think we should divide the poster down the middle like so..." she says drawing a faint line down the middle "A-"
"It's gonna need to be darker than that." David chuckles, interrupting Ellie.
Ellie rolls her eyes and continues "As I was saying and write do on one side and don't on the other." She says this while writing. "Thought?"
"Works for me!" He laughed. Ellie looked at him in surprise. "What did I do?"
"Oh you just didn't argue and I was surprised!" Ellie laughed.
"Hey I don't always disagree!" He laughs. He and Ellie look at each other and laugh. Ellie looked at the poster and cleared her throat.
"We uh should probably finish this..." Ellie said struggling not to smile. David, on the other hand, beamed and looked at the paper. "We should probably make pictures as well." Ellie nods and finishes sketching everything out. David grabs a marker and begins to go over the lines. Ellie sat back in her seat and sighed. She glanced at her friends, who were messing around, no doubt already finished. Caitlyn caught a glance of Ellie looking at her and smiled at the other girl. Ellie turned her head away and looked at the poster.
"Hey it's actually turning out pretty good!" Ellie said surprised. David looked at her and scoffed. He rolled his eyes and looked back at the paper finishing the last word.
"We did it!" Ha cheered, holding up a hand for a high five. Reluctantly Ellie accepted and high fives him. Giggling could be heard from where Caitlyn and Gracie were sitting. Ellie rolled her eyes at them and grabbed her book just as Mr. Alanko called attention to the front.
"Ok class come out your posters on the front table. I will be picking some to hang up on the wall." He said and gestures to the table to signify they could get up. David grabbed the paper and walked to the front. Ellie sighed and sat in her chair thinking. She didn't notice that David had come back and was staring a little at her.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2018 ⏰

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