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Ellie walked into the classroom, breathing in the air. She loved school and it was finally the first day. She looked at the board trying to figure out if there were assigned seats or not. Sure enough there was a seating chart in the board. She scanned the board for her name. She saw her friends Grace and Caitlyn next to each other in the third row on. Finally she saw her name. She was in the middle row on desk back. She set down her stuff, not bothering to check who her partner was, and left to find her friends. Ellie head toward the art room, where her friends would likely be. She walked lost in thought and collided with someone else. Ellie crashed to the floor with a loud thud. "I'm so sorry!" A voice said a small laugh escaping after the sentence. Ellie looked up and saw a boy named David reaching a hand down to help her up. She brushed off and stood up, politely declining his help. She laughed lightly a bright smile on her face. "It's ok!" She chirped. She tightened her ponytail and kept walking happily down the hall. She opened the door to the familiar chaos of the art room. "Good morning Mrs. Claufeild!" She said waving to the teacher.
"Good morning Ellie!" She said back. As Ellie went to turn to find her friends she felt a pair of arms wrap around her. She tensed and said "Nope! No hugs! Caitlyn off!" Caitlyn laughs and hugs tighter. "I will stab you!" Ellie exclaimed attempting to grab the pencil, which was in her hair. When she got an arm free she felt for her pencil only to discover it was gone. "GRACE!" She yelled, finally managing to get Caitlyn off her.
"Run Grace!" Caitlyn yelled falling dramatically to the floor.
"Oh shoot!" Grace exclaimed attempting to escape Ellie. Ellie lunged at Grace. Although Ellie was much shorter than her, she screamed loudly and dropped the pencil. Ellie picked it up, putting it back in her hair and hissing. Caitlyn rejoined the group laughing.
"That was awesome!"
"For you!" Grace exclaimed resulting in more laughs from Caitlyn. Ellie joined in on the laughter and soon they were all laughing. As they stopped the bell rang for first period.
"Come on we need to get to math." Ellie said walking out of the classroom. Caitlyn and Grace groaned and dragged their feet as they walk out the door. They laughed and hurried to catch up with Ellie. Ellie walks into the class and stops short when she sees who she's sitting next to.

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