"Up to the same catnapping schemes, huh?" a young voice calls out.

Two light thuds are dropped to the floor behind us. We turn to see Robin and Batman. Storm growls.

Catwoman turns to me. "I thought you cut off all the alarms?"

"I did. They must of had their own alarm," I say, glaring at the Dynamic Duo.

"Correct," Robin grins. "We knew you'd come for the cat. Didn't think you'd bring Jester Quinn though."

"My parents aren't doing anything fun tonight, figured I'd go out with Aunt Catty," I joke.

"I told you not to call me that!" Catwoman complains.

"You're a crazy cat lady what do you expect me to call you?" I ask. "Anyway, Storm help Catty take down Batsy, yeah?"

The two lunge at him while Robin makes his way to me.

"You associate with all the villains?" he questions.

"Most of them," I reply, getting into a fighting stance. "How are those ribs feeling?"

"Healed no thanks to you," he scoffs, pullling out his eskrima sticks.

I smirk. "You really think you'll get close enough to me to actually get a hit on me with those things?"

"I guess we'll find out!" he says, leaping toward me.

I stick out a hand and throw him back with a blast of electricity. "Not even close." I form some eskrima sticks of my own made of electricity. "How about I let you get close? Hope you have protection from electric shocks."

He gets up with a groan. "Don't worry... we have rubber laced in our suits now because of you."

"Aw, how sweet."

He twirls his sticks around in his hands before heading towards me again. Our sticks clash and I send electricity down his.

He smirks. "These are coated in rubber too."

"Nice touch. It won't save you from this though." I knee him in the stomach.

He keels back some but still holds his position, so I do it again this time making him drop his guard and sucker punching him in the face. He huffs, glaring at me. I taunt him, making a come at me motion with my hand. Catwoman and Storm have moved a little ways away from us while fighting Batman.

Robin slinks into the shadows. His little cackles echo around the room. "Catch me if you can."

"Oh, you know how much I like to play games," I reply, lighting up the room with my power. I find him after a few seconds. "Found you, little bird." I shoot a beam behind me at him that he skillfully dodges.

I continue to hurl bolts at him from afar until one skims his side, making him lose his footing for a second before regaining it. I leap up to his level and kick his side. He catches my leg and twists it, spinning me around. Then he throws me back to the ground. I land with a hard thud on my back.

"That felt good," Robin smirks.

"Not for me," I groan.

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