chapter five- Escape

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My eyes bulged out of their sockets... Hearing the words of Alhaji Abdulqadir..i just did not comprehend..police...attempted murder?.. How is it a big deal..this is not the first time this is happening😔😔

I was pulled out of my trance with mami Aisha and hasiya pulling my legs.."haba nabeelah diya ta...kinsan dai sharrin shedan ne.. Wallahi bansan lokacin da na aikata ba...kice musu kar su kirawo yan sanda...wayyo Allah...bazan kara takura miki ba wallahi...bari ma ba miki tausa...she said amidst sobs..and pressing my injured head softly..

(Nabeelah please my know it is the work of the devil....i swear i do not know when i acted that way...please tell them to call off the police...oh my God...i will never maltreat you again i swear...let me even give you a massage)..

I was shocked to my core as also hajiya zaynab...but hajiya habeeba who was not a bit moved by her fake pleas..swatted away her hands and hissed..

"You have not seen think the world revolves around you right...this girl is an amanah to you..but you decided to be a she devil against are amongst women who drag womens name to the mud" ..hajiya habeeba fumed..

On normal days..rugar mallam do not receive visitors with flashy today was an exception...I think the whole of rugar mallam has gathered in front of our house to see the visitors..

Coming to meet the scene going on in our house..they were filled with awe...people who despise mami were making faces and saying it served her right..while her friends and acquaintances were wearing a scorn on their faces..😖😖..

Suddenly the crowd started running helter skelter...blazing sirens were heart leapt to my armed men pushed their way through the crowd carrying guns and batons..

"Wayyo Allah shiga uku"...mami quickly came and put me in front of her..

Abbah suddenly entered seeing the hullabaloo going on..i know someone outside must have told him what happened..

Hasiya on the other hand sneakily ran outside ditching her mother and does not surprise me..😔😔

"Officers..there is your culprit..she assaulted this young miss by hitting her on the head with a pestle"...Alhaji Abdulqadir spoke..

The police officer quickly went to snatch away mami..

Abbah crumpled at the feet of Alhaji Abdulqadir crying incessantly..begging for mami..i pried away from hajiya zaynabs grip and started begging him too..

"Alhaji please call them was just a mistake..I know she never meant to act that way...she was just looking out for me...think about it....if you take her away who will take care of us, abbah, munir and munira..."

Alhaji Abdulqadir looked up at me and mami then spoke "wallahi have the heart of gold...after all what she has put you are still looking out for her".." Amma wallahi hajiya kinji kunya"(you should be ashamed of yourself hajiya)..

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2018 ⏰

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