Chapter three- Marriage

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I could not concentrate on what my mua'alim was teaching..

"Ke Nabeelah tunanin mai kike Yi da har an tashi baki Tafi gida ba "(what are you thinking about because we have closed and you are still sitting down)

Panicking I stood up and check the time, we closed ten minutes ago 'Wayyo Allah' I said..

"Ma'asalam Mallam"I said and exited the classroom.. My house is ten minutes from here so am twenty minutes late,  I braced myself for what I was to meet at home..

On getting to the Zaure I peeped and could not find mami Aisha at the door.. I was a little bit relieved because the normal welcome slap was waived to..stepping into the house I saw Abbah and mami Aisha sitting down I dropped my bag on the floor

"Ina uni abbah,  ina Wini mami.. "(good evening) 

"na Wini a gidanan ja'ira "(I stayed at home idiot) "where  were you?" ,Abbah asked, "Hasiya came home 5 minutes ago and you were not with her.."

" AI she went to her numerous boyfriends alhaji.. Let's just go straight to the point."

My heart sank hearing mami say those words.. What plan is she trying to hatch now.. I started panicking..

"Ehehemm", Abbah cleared his throat, "Nabeelah you are of age now and I see no reason why you should still be in this house. Your mother here brought a nice suggestion and I am very happy with it.. You are getting married to Habu the collector in a fortnight. So if you even have friends you can inform them.." Saying that Abbah stood up and left the house..

Everything ears were ringing I could not feel my limbs.. Habu the collector,  marriage,  they just did not fit into one sentence,  he was struggling, addict,  a womanizer,  and had already gotten married to three wives,  am just 15 for the love of God.. I broke down into tears crying hysterically.

" should even be happy Habu accepted the marriage proposal, who would want to get married  to some one like you,  what have you ever done for us,  your stupid mother left you because she knew you would turn out useless, you should be grateful Alhaji was even considerate of holding a wedding and buying a brand new mat for you instead of bundling you to Habu's house.. Mtsheww" I heard mami say..

I got up slowly and went into our room seeing Munir and Munira on the bed they greeted me and took turns to wipe away my tears,  seeing that just made me cry more.

I brought out my Qur'an an dedicated my self to reading it  fasbir Sabran jameelah (Indeed  patience is beautiful) I embraced qadr seeing and soughting if that is the best for me I left it to the hands of God Almighty..

I awoke to the laughter of Hasiya..arrgh I slept off on the mat and now my head feels like a thousand hammer is being knocked onto it..

"Amarsu ta Ango,  amarya a gidan Habu Dan bola" she was taunting me,  "you see now you will be privileged of having first dirts collected before being processed and your future children will carry on the family legacy".. She cackled..

No I will not let her get to me,  I stood up and wanted to exit the room before she would say another taunting words again..

She dragged me back and I fell on the bed and hit my head on the bed rest.. Ahhh blood dripped from the cut.. I stood up and slapped her.. I immediately regretted doing so as she shouted on top of her lungs and started crying like someone whose leg has been ripped off.. Abbah and mami came rushing into the room, 

"yaya "I heard mami say..

"Wallahi I was just congratulating her on her marriage date and she just started beating me and hitting my head on the wall" said Hasiya..

My jaw nearly dropped on the floor.."wallahi abbah.." Before I could finish mami pounced on me and started beating me hitting me with anything she could find.. Abbah just stood transfixed on the spot his eyes red as burning coal.

I could not even scream feeling numb all over,  Munir entered the room and started crying,  "mama please leave her alone" Munira joined and pleaded on my behalf,  I thought and regretted why I was brought into this world to suffer.

Having beaten me to her satisfaction, she pushed me outside.. "You are sleeping outside today before you would kill my precious daughter for me.."

I quickly dragged myself scampering to one corner like a mouse who had been cornered by a cat.. I cried my hearts out that day and prayed to Allah.. 'Please bring an end to this trials, where ever my mother is, Ya rabbi please bring her back to me, even if she eats sand I will gladly do so alongside with her than to live in this hell hole.'

A week passed just like a blur, it was remaining a week to my wedding,  yes my wedding I learnt to embrace qadr,  my daily routine continued from islamiyya back to the hell hole,  taunts from my sister,  mami, silence from my father and little comfort from the twins..

I did not have friends since mami rebuked me from standing with anyone chasing them away if they dared visit,  it's only my class mates from islamiyya I invited to the wedding,  some were happy while the other shared in my pain of marrying Habu.

Habu on the other hand I could not say he was happy nor sad since he started coming to see me.

I could only see lust in his eyes when he comes to see me,  the other day when he came,  he grabbed me by my hands and wanted to kiss me,  I squirmed under his touch and I heard mami saying... "Why are you behaving like you have not done worst than that,  you are even grateful he will become your husband in three days time" when I reported to her.

Tomorrow my wedding fatiha was to hold,  I could not feel anything I already lost everything, I could not win against them..they took away everything,  my mother,  father,  Ayman and my freedom now,  for the rest of my life I would be living in bondage.. I heard the sound of the door opening, Hasiya came into the room.." Come here Nabeelah I want you to go and buy recharge card for me.."

" It's already 9:30 Hasiya and you know abbah has forbidden us from going out by this time.."

" Are you arguing with me?" she barked!  I learnt my lesson the hard way not to argue with her anytime she speaks..

So I took up my hijab and collected the money and off I went.. I was walking down the street like a living dead when I saw the shop of Mallam lado open,  sighing I headed towards the shop.. Suddenly I saw bright light.. I slipped into oblivion..

Hey munchkin pumpkins,  do comment and vote with that little weeny star Down there.. Love you all.
Xoxoxo. 😍😍😍😍

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