Chapter 10

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*Writer in batman voice* Last time on Etch and Stch. *Narrator* Writer what are you doing. *Writer* I'm recapping what happened. *Editor* Why do you need to do that. *Writer* Because you don't edit the stories quick enough. *Narrator* Oof shots fired, Now lets start the chapter. The thief finally confessed and said "I used to work at the Schmitt family Colosseum before...well you know what happened...anyway I heard of this super cool necklace that their daughter had or daughters have." The thief corrected himself and then continued " Anyway the necklace has two parts one was said to connect to the human side of the mirror and the other to the mirror realm which is also said that was filled with monster like creatures." He continued the story, "A fable is told around the necklace that who ever has the human half has the power of the sea and whoever has the Mirror Realm half would be able to control Flames." The girls instinctively took off their necklaces and gave them to Lynn and she held the necklaces in different hands. Then they both successfully summoned their powers with out the necklaces on their neck. Stch said "well I guess fables aren't always true." The girls went back to the orphanage where they saw it on fire *Editor* seriously what is with all the fire. *Writer* It's symbolic. *Editor* of what pray tell. *Writer* of that I am not very creative at all. *Narrator* Yeah this is great and all but can we get back to the story. *Writer*Okie dokie artichokie you have my permission. *Narrator* Why am I an artichoke. Back to the story. Etch and Stch looked at the fire and jumped into action. First Stch used her flame power to get the fire away from the girls who haven't left the building. Once they were out of the building Etch encased it in a gaintanormous *Narrator* Writer seriously. *Writer* ok fine. Back to the story. Etch encased the burning building in a big water bubble an the fire stopped. Stch then used her flames to turn the water into gas. The two girls turned around and saw Lynn using her powers of the earth to restore the vegetation. The girls in the orphanage were elated to have everything almost back to normal but Etch, Stch  and Lynn had to leave the orphanage. *Writer* Oh no why do they have to leave. *Editor &Writer*lead us fairy king. *Narrator* Hey that is not nice and also THIS IS NOT THE SEVEN DEADLY SINS. *Writer* yikes we better not get on her bad side anymore. *Narrator* Know what I'm just going to end the chapter here TO BE CONTINUED...

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