His Past

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3rd person P.O.V

In that second, an image of a kid being held by a fat man appeared in the mist.

"You son of a bitch! You said you didnt have anymore money!" the kid was punched once. "Yet when i went into your room i found this under your mattress!" the man pulled a wad of cash from his back pocket. The boy's eyes widen and fear could be seen within them.

"G-Gabe stop thats for mom!" the young boy tried escaping the man's, now named Gabe, arms. He thrashed and kicked until Gabe's grip loosened. He tried running down the hallway when Gabe grabbed him by the hair. The boy wailed in agony. Everyone who was watching covered their ears or winced.

"I dont fucking care who that was for Percy. You lied!" Gabe punched young Percy in the stomach until he fell to the ground, Then proceeded to kick him black and blue.

Ron broke the silence that had filled the room "T-Thats y-you??" All that came from Percy was a slight nod, his eyes unfocused. Watching his own past, reliving the memories, it was painful for him.

After the young boy lost consciousness on the misty screen, the image changed to one of pure innocence. The scene held a sense of calmness and love.

A young woman held an older raven haired boy in her arms with a smile plastered onto her beautiful face. Percy sat on her lap peacefully eating the blue taffy messily. Ocean waves were heard from outside the small cabin which the two appeared to be in.

"Percy, stop eating like that your hands are gonna be all sticky." The woman pulled Percy's hands away from the bag of taffies and gently tapped them. "Go wash up. Then I'll tell you another story."  The boy's face brightened at that, and he dashed to the bathroom sink and washed his hands. He entered his room, grabbed a blanket, flashlight, and a pillow and made his way back to where his mother sat.

Sally chuckled and grabbed her own stuff before they made their way down to the beach. She built a small fire and cuddled Percy against her side.

"Which story do you want now?" Her gentle voice asked.

"One I've never heard before. Tell me one about dad."

At this Sally's smile dimmed a little, but she brought it back up. She thought of what to say. There were thousands of stories she could tell, but so little time to do so.

"Your father... was a great man. He always made sure we were happy. He loved you, Percy. His eyes lit up every time he held you. You meant everything to him."

Sally brushed a few tears from her eyes.

"Anyways, when you were three, we came here celebrating your birthday. I remember us walking along the beach when you showed a sign of your talents."

(A/N: Percy has always known of his water powers, but didn't know how to properly use them. Connects to the Lightning Thief when he started being able to control them, hence why he was confused in the beginning)

Percy gave a small smile. He looked out towards the waters and pictured a family walking along the shore, laughing and having fun like a normal family would.

"I remember your father having the biggest smile on his face when you willed the water to soak him. He picked you up and spun you in the air, just like how you'd see it in the movies!"

The boy's eyes twinkled with happiness. He thought his dad hated him, and he was the reason for his dad's leaving. But listening to this story, he knew he was wrong.

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