"Who Are You?"

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I am the man behind the mask

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I am the man behind the mask.

With immense pain and sorrow in my steps, and my eyes,

I dare not weep here before you.

I am a man who has watched you since the beginning.

I watched you fall in love with 5 men, and 1 woman.

I threw you into that crazy world, all so you could be happy-

Since I can not be.

I am nothing but a shadow, and I don't want you to wait for me.

I will always be watching you from afar,

Keeping you safe, and watching you grow.


You ask me who I am. Do you wish to know my sorrowful story?

I am a nobody. I am Unknown. Do not waste your time on me.

I will see you again, my dear,

When you choose to click reset on this story once again..

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