Chapter Thirty Five

Start from the beginning

And in turn, they would all respect Alessandra. He took his seat, guiding Alessandra to do the same, but only she was surprised when he pulled her onto his lap.

"Hades . . ." She blushed, turning her face forward in order to hide the heat in her cheeks. This had come to be quite personal and flustering.

Being so close to a man of his stature was still unnerving, which was silly since barely even a day ago she was standing in front of him fully nude. She hadn't thought of that bath until now. He hadn't looked at her the same way he did then, but she wanted him to hold that look over her time and time again. It was a lustful need that she seemed to have begun developing in her heart.

"Does this position make you uncomfortable, Alessa?" He asked. Alessandra shivered when one of his hands rubbed her back while the other rested on her knee. He heard her breath hitch. "I need you to answer me, Alessa."

"No. It does not make me uncomfortable." She responded tightly, hating that her voice betrayed the way he was making her feel.

"Good," He said. He straightened enough so that he could bring his lips close to her ear. "Because I don't want to stop touching you. Every. Inch. Of. You."

His breath was cool; raising chill bumps along her nape, and unconsciously she rubbed herself against him. Wanting—no—needing to be closer. Oh, so closer.

"You didn't bring me here just to ogle at your throne." She managed to say. Honestly, the fact that she even said one word surprised her even more because she was feeling a lot of things all at once.

"Why, Alessa, what other reason would I have to bring you here?" He countered slyly.

She gapped. He was baiting her. This was a game of cat and mouse and he was going to let this drag on for as long as it took to get a reaction out of her. She might not have been familiar with these antics, but she knew she could use his form of teasing against him.

She shrugged. "I figured there would be more to see than just a chair. If that is all then I wish to leave." Stating with a firm façade of boredom, she hid her smirk.

He blinked a few times, astonished by her response. "This is not all that my kingdom entails, Alessa."

She took advantage of the opportunity to turn at the waist to face him. "I wasn't talking about your kingdom."


She nodded. Using the tiny space in front of the chair, she stood in front of him. "Stand."

He followed her command and stood, towering over her easily, but nonetheless they remained close. She reached on her tiptoes and with her hands she touched his face. His eyes closed as he allowed himself to be touched again. It was the first time in a long time that he felt vulnerable to a woman's delicate fingers on him. He hadn't felt it since . . .

Opening his eyes, her gaze automatically locked with his. Words didn't have to be shared in order to understand the silence between them. He let her hands convey the emotion as she trailed them down his jaw. She hooked her arms around his neck and brought herself close.

Close enough that their lips were only a mere inch apart. She felt bold again, placing a single kiss on his lips until he prompted her for more. Her kiss was sweet, like fresh wine that was addictive. Plump and soft to his own lips, Hades refused to forget their feeling so soon.

Slowly Alessandra felt her burdens ease, her mind unraveled, and her entire body fell against his with relief. Breaking their brief kiss, Alessandra hadn't realized the labored breaths that he'd been taking. Hades was on his final string. He was just as ruffled as she was. "Tell me what you want, Alessa." He whispered softly. "Tell me."

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