don't touch her

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When Klaus woke up Caroline wasn't next to him and she wasn't making breakfast luckily the girls were still asleep he went to find Rebekah but she was missing too then he went to Elijah and asked him to watch the girls while we went to find Caroline and Rebekah he was walking when a girl came up to him
"Who's asking"
"Marcel sent me with a message"
"What message"
"I have your love and Rebekah give me the dagger that can kill me by noon or they both die" It was 11:30 "you know where to meet me"
"No"he sped home and grabbed the dagger and rushed to the meeting place when he got there he slid the dagger towards Marcel yet he was about to stab Caroline just not in the heart
"NO DON'T TOUCH HER" Marcel stabbed her just not in the heart she fell to the ground Klaus caught her head before it hit the ground after Klaus got out all the splinters he ran after Marcel and took the dagger that could kill him
"I wouldn't do that Klaus" Marcel said with a smile
"I don't want to do this Marcellus" Klaus said obviously holding back tears
"Divina" Marcel yelled she came out with her hand up Klaus looked up and saw Rebekah on the ceiling "with his powerful she is, she can kill her"
"Your bloody bluffing" Rebekah called from the ceiling just then Caroline rushed in and yelled at Marcel "Who the hell are you"

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