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I'm sitting in the school canteen across my best friend for years, Becky. All she can talk about right now is prom and getting a dress and nice accessories for it, and it reminds me of how much different we are again. I try to talk back happily, but in reality she is really getting on my nerves. Becky knows how much I hate prom, but can't help but talk about it. And even though I love her very much, she irritates me endlessly with it.

"Hey, did anyone prompose to you yet?" She asks and I roll my eyes before I answer her.

"No, Becks, no one did. I guess I'm just not that popular. But enough about prom, let's talk about something else," I answer slightly irritated and Becky grins as response.

"Why do you care so little 'bout prom? What's up with that?" This question makes me wanna scream at the top of my lungs. Why can't she shut up about it for once?

"Nothing special, I just don't see why prom is such a big deal. Just a stupid party to brag how much money your parents have by buying a big ass ugly dress and showing up in the biggest and most expensive car you can imagine," i explain myself. Becky smirks.

"Looks like you're just butthurt that no one asked you yet," she says teasingly and I want to slap her in her face.

"No, I'm not. So please, stop talking about it and start talking about something that actually matters. For example that horrific math test coming up this Thursday. Help me, I'm totally lost," I had to change the subject as quickly as possible before Becky could ask any other questions. Talking about prom makes me feel awkward and mad. Luckily, Becky decides to stop chatting about prom and starts explaining the chapter of math. I feel relieved.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2018 ⏰

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