Chapter 6

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Jasmine's Pov

Trigonometry class was finally over .And the funny feeling in my stomach grew as I walk towards 2nd period.History with Mr.Styles.

Harry's Pov

As all my students walked in.I couldn't help but to look for Jasmine.

I greeted students with a smile as they walked in.The late bell rang and still no.Jasmine. I left the classroom door open just in case.

I gave briefly instruction on the warm up to start the class off.

I sat on my desk thinking of why she isn't here.Jasmine. .....Was it because of yesterday?

"Mr.Styles? " a voice silenced my thoughts.I looked up desperately thinking it was Jasmine

Disappointment met my eyes when I saw it wasn't her.However I shooked it off.

"Yes? " I smiled

"Hi I'm Gracy, uhh I just got enrolled in this Class" she looked around."Uhhh I thought Jasmine had this class too...I don't see her" she looks disappointed.

Makes two of us.

"Yeah she does but as you can see she isn't here"


"Well take a seat...warm-up is on the board"

Jasmine's Pov

"Please ! please! change it for me"I begged the school's councillor.

"No! please go to class"

"Ugh.! I don't like that class please change it"

"Why? you should be Happy you have that class"he sits back in his chair"For some reason everyone has been trying to change their history teacher for Mr.Styles. ..and it's barely the second day !"

I know why.

"Exactly then that means that other classes are empty so there's space for me" I gave him my biggest smile.

"No! "

"Uaahhg! "

I am so mad. I wanted to slap the fugly counselor  and stormed out of here but in stead I stood up quietly with a sarcastic smile on my face,walked towards the door...but before I exit" Well now.I know why you're single and it's not just the lack of appearance but also the lack of hair" I smiled and left.

.What the hell? ! If the other History classes are practically empty then why won't they change me.I found my self in the girls bathroom

"Maybe you're just over reacting Jas. I mean why do you have too change the class " I was thinking loudly in the restroom.

But I'm right.Why do I have to change a class course,only cause I.have a crush on the teacher

And he is big temptation to you and he also intimidates you .I reminded myself

No! Jasmine please. ..since when has anyone intimidate you. Your the one who intimidates.

The creaking of the bathroom opening door interrupted my thoughts. And seconds later I found my self rushing into one the stalls.

I quickly picked my feet up and stood on top of the toilet. What the hell why?

"Angela please listen! " the voice was familiar. Jacob?

It was silent for a moment and I took a peek at the mirror through the gap that was in between the stall and the door.

She was standing, crying too I think and he was looking down at the stalls to make sure no one was here.

What is he doing in the girls bathroom? And with Angela...Oh God don't tell they're going to have a quicky in here.Back stabbing bitch. At least now I know why she would drink water all the time.Thirsty hoe.

"I already said no Jacob, I'm not having an abortion " what? Abortion?

"Angela that " he pointed at her stomach" will ruin my life"

"First of all it's not an" it" it's a baby Jacob. ..your baby how could you be so selfish you dick !"

Oh my she is pregnant.

I can't explain this feeling I have. I mean we have been friends since the 4th but during the summer I lost contact with her. So when I came back to school she was like stranger to me. Annoying  actually.

I'm not gonna lie I'm kinda of hurt but that's it. Oh and a bit mad.I was going to use Jacob to forget about Mr.Styles.

Jasmine! what are you saying. Forget. About what nothing was even happening.

"I don't care Angela. you were just a booty call. Nothing meaningful. I fucked with my dick not my heart."


By now Angela was crying.

"Oh and more thing ...Angie. ...if you tell anyone especially Jasmine, I will deny everything making you look like a desperate whore" With that said he walked out the door leaving a crying ocean Angela behind.

I was still in the stall trying decide whether I should stay here and wait for to leave or go out and-

My thoughts interrupted by the door creaking open.I look through the gap and no one was there.

Well the first decision it is.

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