Angelina was quiet, shy and sweet. She didn't have a particular group that she stayed with. Her bestfriend, Julia, liked going from table to table each day. They never stayed on the same table for longer a week. Angelina never minded moving every week, she didn't talk much. Always remaining quiet, smiling and listening. Which was quiet the opposite to Julia, who continuously talk – nonstop. Julia loved talking, once she started, she doesn't seem to stop. If Julia wasn't in school, Angelina spent her time in the library doing her most recent projects and homework.

“Jude, you forgot your lunch!” shouted Angelina at Jude as he walked away towards his friends. However Angelina's shout was soft and quiet, she never seem to be able to raise her voice loud enough for it truly to be considered as a proper shout. Angelina sighed and took a look at the lunch box she was holding in her hand, then muttered, “guess I have to look for him during lunch.”

“ANGELINA!” Julia pulled Angelina forcefully into a tight hug, “I MISSED YOU!”

“I missed you too,” laughed Angelina as she hugged Julia back. They both walked to the office and got their new timetable.

“We have five lessons together!” squealed Julia, jumping up and down with excitement, “Let's go to our first one! Algebra! Fun!”

“Is that sarcasm I hear, Ms Julia?” questioned Angelina, as they walked towards their lesson.

The lessons flew past quickly, most teachers did introduction lessons. Before you knew it, it's lunch time. (Author's note: FOOOODD!!!!! NOM NOM NOM!!)

“Julia, I need to find Jude. He forgot his lunch.” Angelina said.

“Oh! We can sit with them today then!” Julia replied, happily. She then dragged Angelina towards Jude's table at an incredible speed. Angelina eyes widened at her decision. They never sat with her brother and his friends before. It was always with people within their year. As they arrived at front of the them, Julia smiled and greeted them, “Hey guys! May we sit with the bad ass group today?” She sent a wink, while Angelina covered her face as her face began to turn into a light shade of red.

“Sure, Julia,” replied Jude, as he gave a wink back.

Angelina's mouth fell open, “You did not just wink back!” Her own brother flirted with her bestfriend! She facepalmed herself before she remembered, “Here! Your lunch!” She handed the white lunch box over to Jude while she sat down next to him. Julia took a seat opposite her, next to Kev.

“Oh hello, beautiful,” greeted Kev, as he tried to place his arms around her shoulder. Julia slapped it away and raised an eyebrow.

“Gotta do better than just “hello, beautiful” to be able to touch me,” smiled Julia sweetly. Angelina gave a soft giggle, while Jude laughed out loud.

“Burn, mate!” said Nate, as he arrived to the table with Seth and trays full of food. Seth took a seat next to Kev, while Nate sat next to Angelina. He smiled at Angelina, “Hello, sweety,”

Angelina blushed, “H-hi.”

“Awee, you're so adorable,” laughed Nate as he pulled her into a hug.

A loud smack, whacked onto Nate's back. “Keep your hands away from my sister!” yelled Jude, playfully, as he pulled her sister away from Nate.

“She was too adorable,” grinned Nate, with his hands up in the air in surrender.

“That's just an excuse,” stated Seth, as he munched on his food, “Ang, stay away from him. You might catch something from him, just by touching him. You won't know what he catch after all those girls he's been through.”

“That's like half of the school's population, isn't it Nate?” teased Julia.

“You guys are scaring my possible future wife away from me?” pouted Nate, with his hand over his heart, pretending to be heartbroken.

Angelina eyes widened, and mouth fell open, “Wife?”

“You might wanna stop before Jude kills you, Nate. Look, he's already giving you a death glare, mate!” laughed Kev, pointing at Jude's death glare.

Nate grinned at Jude. He then pulled Angelina quickly onto his lap, “Wow, wifey. You're light.” He gave a big grin, while hugging her tightly. Angelina froze with shock. Her face slowly became bright red. She quickly covered her face, and continued sitting on Nate's lap. As she can't move.

“Nate. Let. Go. Off. My. Sister!” growled Jude, warningly. 

Nate laughed, “Chill, bro. I'm only playing, but she is adorable.” He gently lifted Angelina off his lap and back onto the chair. “There you go, darling. You're free from me now,” whispered Nate into Angelina's ear. He patted her head before starting to eat his food.

Angelina's face stayed in a bright shade of red, while Julia, Seth and Kev laughed loudly. Jude soon followed the rest, and started laughing. Nate smirked. Angelina's face turned even more read. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2012 ⏰

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