Ch. 16: The Apple Doesn't Fall Far From the Tree

Start from the beginning

"Woah, easy there," Mira said, raising her hands in a consoling gesture. "Anymore rage, and that information will be illegible."

Blinking, I redirected my boiling attention to the crumpled paper, then hastily opened it to reveal a notification in cursive, reading: Miss Beatrice Brightfield requires your attendence after work for a private discussion.

"Well ain't that something," Mira murmured, her nose practically glued to the paper. "The Queen Bee finally noticed you, Roxy. You know what that means, right?"

"Wh-what?" I stammered, the invitation quivering in my trembling hands.

"You either did something amazing, or completely unconstitutional," Mira acknowledged, a devious smile plastered on her feminine face when she glanced back at me. "Maybe she found out about you and Levi's . . . risqué escapades in his office, hm?"

The only response I could muster were a few squeaks and incoherent, sputtered words at Mira's outrageous implication.

"Oh, don't tell me," she continued, a hand to her mouth in astonishment. "You haven't fucked on his desk yet?"

"Mira!" I shrieked, recoiling from the woman. "Have you no manners?! And stop asking about our kinks, it's disturbing!"

"It's actually quite euphoric," she crooned as she twirled around and sauntered out of my office, her fluctuating tone burned into my memory like a wildfire's effect on a plain of perished grass.

Boiling with rage at her indecent comments regarding my sex life, I restrained to hold a grudge against the woman. Although filthy when it came to adventures behind locked bedroom doors, Mira was innocent at heart, just like any other human being. I loved Mira, I truly did, she was one of the few female co-workers I could construct a relationship with. However, the blame was on me, I never managed to maintain friendships with many women, only a select number of whom I was interested in having as devoted friends.

Content with her bothersome self outside, and not beside me prattling on about inappropriate subjects, I gradually began to immerse myself in paperwork and bills that had multiplied on my desk in the past twenty-four hours. Tedious for some, I found pleasure in drowning myself in all the mathematics and processes associated with accounting, mostly proud with myself for figuring out my life's calling.

When my day was nearly complete, however, I was utterly drained with the swamped mess that was now finished and organized in the correct piles for delivery. Then again, after I packed my belongings away and tidied up my work space, I had entirely forgotten where Beatrice's office was even located. That earned me a trip down to Levi's office for assistance, and I was quite lucky he had returned a few hours prior from the courthouse.

He too, looked exhausted, but forced a microscopic smile when I barged in unannounced. When I explained to him my situation, he wearily stood from his seated position at his desk, stretched, and stated he would accompany me upstairs.

Although, when we were both standing before the ebony, metallic doors, Levi queried if I would rather him wait outside until the meeting was finished. I shook my head, instead reassuring him that it probably would take a while and that he should wait in the comfort of his own office, perhaps listen to some records to pass the time. Annoyed by my proposal, he ultimately accepted it and descended back down the flight of stairs, leaving me to knock on the threatening object in front of me.

"Enter," came the stiff voice from inside, prompting me to clasp the doorknob and open the glossy object nervously.

An older woman stood at the windows that lined the entire building, a martini in her surprisingly poised hands and her posture elegant. The door closed on itself with a quiet thud and she immediately curved her head to meet my presence, her chestnut hues boring holes into my olive ones.

I Have An Objection! [ Levi x OC ] [ Moderate Editing ]Where stories live. Discover now