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1 week later

So we already moved in and I've had help from my brother Ryan and Austin help me since my sister can't do any heavy duty but she's helped me pick out stuff for Lilly's room here is what we have.

So we already moved in and I've had help from my brother Ryan and Austin help me since my sister can't do any heavy duty but she's helped me pick out stuff for Lilly's room here is what we have

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The house has 8 bedrooms witch means two of them are taken up by me and Lilly and here is her room
(Ignore the EL in the bathroom)

The house has 8 bedrooms witch means two of them are taken up by me and Lilly and here is her room (Ignore the EL in the bathroom)

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And my bedroom
(Dope I guess)

 And my bedroom (Dope I guess)

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(Btw my brother choose the bedroom and closet that's why I said dope I guess and he won't let me change it because he said he reads my books witch I don't like but yeah if you are reading this little boy i don't like you)

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(Btw my brother choose the bedroom and closet that's why I said dope I guess and he won't let me change it because he said he reads my books witch I don't like but yeah if you are reading this little boy i don't like you)

Baby Avery|| A Jack Avery book Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora