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Chantel's P.O.V.

"Mama mamá hwelp mwe"~Lilly said running up to me screaming with a smile on her face.

"What happened baby"~Chantel. I stoped washing dishes and picked her up in my arms.

"Wuncle Wyan (Ryan aka Catherine and chantels brother) is cwoming to twickle mwe" lilly said as she turned to me and squealed when she seen him come from around the corner.

"What no im not"~Ryan,said acting all innocent she looked at him with a duh face that made me laugh.

"Ok Ryan leave my child alone and go paint or whatever you want" Chantel. I said while I put her down and she ran out away to god knows where.

"Fine but do you need anything from the store"~Ryan, asked then Catherine walked in with Elle put she seen Lilly in the living room and started whining that she wanted to get of so she set her on the floor.

"Catherine do we need anything from the store"~Chantel. "I don't thi...oh wait we need milk, eggs, and fruit any kind"~Catherine, Ryan nodded his head and walked out.

"What time is it"~Catherine.

"It is...6:15 why"~Chantel

"I feel asleep not knowing what time it was and I thought it was morning but I guess it the afternoon"~Catherine

"What are we making for dinner"~Catherine

"I don't know what does the pregnant lady want"~Chantel, I said rubbing her little baby bump and laughing

"How about we make lasagna with salad on the side"~Catherine.

"Sure let's get started"~Chantel

We started cooking and making the lasagna and salad but than Austin came in and said he also wanted chocolate covered strawberry's and I cringed at the thought of chocolate.

But we made it for him and Ryan came back and we set up the table and started eating. After a while we finished eating and where just talking waiting for Elle and Lilly to finish because they don't stop messing around.

"Ok so let's talk like serious talk because I have questions you never answered me and I wanna know what's up with my little sister"~Catherine. I looked her and put my phone down.

"Ok what do you want to know"~Chantel. She put her thinking face on and I couldn't help but laugh a little.

"Ok so her dad.." she said and I looked down "no no don't do that you're strong and that's good but do you think she will meet him one day?"~Catherine

"I don't know I mean I want her to but at the same time I'm scared not for her but for me what if he doesn't believe me"~Chantel

"Then you prove him wrong but why didn't you tell him that he has a daughter when you found out?"~Catherine

"Because I found out that he was cheating on me with my ex best friend back in Canada when he came to visit me that was the last time I talked to him or seen him"~Chantel. I said with tears forming in my eyes.

"And when I was going to tell him mom had kicked me out and that's when I called you the last think I wanted to do was talk to my daughters father so I thought of you cat"~Chantel. I said holding her hand.

Ryan was next to me so he hugged me and wiped my tears away "it's ok let You're tears and feelings out we are all family hear me, Austin, Catherine, Elle and hope are all here for you ok"~Ryan

"I know thank you"~Chantel

We continue talking about Jack my little princess father.


October 6,2015

I am currently in my bathroom throwing up great 3 day in a row I've been throwing up and my friend Amy is currently getting a pregnancy test because she thinks I'm 'pregnant'. I don't want to believe her but than again what if I am i don't know what I'll do my mom would literally disown me.

"Hey I'm here I got two of them just in case one doesn't work so here take both test and let it sit for I think 5 minutes and than check it"~Amy. I nod my head and take them form her and she walked out.

5minutes later

"I'm scared i don't want to see it can you do it"~Chantel. I handed them to her and she looked at both of them I don't know if she's smiling because I'm not or because I am so I took them and they both said Positive.

"Oh god I'm done my life is over"~Chantel

"What do you mean"~Amy

"My mom is not gonna like this she will kick me out if she finds out I'm dead"~Chantel

1hour later

I am currently on my way to see jack at his hotel he gave me a key to it and told me to go in when I get their I got out of the car and walking up to his room.

I seen the door open a little and I thought that was kind of odd.

"Jack...baby are you here" I said as I opened the door but I wish I hadn't because what I seen broke my heart.

My best friend since forever and my boyfriend of 3 years are in the room making out with jack in a towel and her with her shirt off.

"W-why jack why" I said with tears as he pushed her off and stood up holding his towel.

"It's not what it looks like" jack said I looked down at jasmine and seen her with a smirk on her face I walked up to her and slapped her.

"Why would you do this to me you were supposed to be my best friend"~Chantel

"Oh honey this is called pay back you see karma's a bitch and when it hits you it gets you good I don't regret anything" she said than out of no where I felt a hot sting of a hand hit slap me in the face

I feel to the floor and she was about to kick me when I grabbed her leg and she feel to the floor holding her head I stood up and ran out not wanting to have anything to do with them.

When I got home we'll let's just say it wasn't my home anymore I was currently on the phone with my sister ready to get on an airplane to see her in LA.

End of flashback

I couldn't help but think of him and that day I had tears In my eyes all I thought about was why jack why did you do this to me.

The last thing I remember was saying his name in a whisper once than falling into a deep sleep.

*Word count 1153*

Here is the first chapter hope you like it let me know what you think and vote on it and share it thx bye🌹

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