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He was ok. He's alive is all that was going through my mind as I sit and talk with him.

"How...Where have you been" I exclaim to him

"Surviving Baby girl" he says smiling at me

I smile back and look over at the group who are currently standing some looks away from where me and Adrian are, looking over every other minute as they talk to one another.

"How'd you get here " I hear him ask me making me look back at him. His face full of emotion.

"A man here in the group found me and brought me back her, been here for about a year now" I said to him looking down at my lap as I play with my fingers.

"I'm glad you found people to care for you " he says to me

I look up at him and smile as he does with me making me feel safe again.

"Where Indiana?" I ask him wanting to know where his wife was

He just looks up at me and shakes his head as tears fill his eyes. I cover my mouth and let out a cry.

"Im...i am so sorry" I croak out to him

"Me too" he says looking up at me.

"Harley" i hear my bestfriend say from behind me.

I turn and see her standing there looking at me with a small curious smile.

"Maggie, this is Adrian, Adrian and i met while I was and the CDC, hes the man who helped me." i say to her before turning to Adrian

"Adrian, this is Maggie, My bestfriend" i say to him

"Do they know" he ask me with a monotone voice.

I nod my head and offer him a smile when I see him tense

"Hey" I say to him putting my hand on his

"Its ok" I say offering him a small smile with a nod.

He nods back before looking at Maggie and standing. He towers over the both of us with his 6'4 frame.

"Well...its nice to meet you" he says in a protective voice .

You see Adrian has always been protective over me. Its like his job, I guess you can say.

"Har, you should probably tell rick then, he was wondering how yall know each other" She said, her southern accent coming out the tiniest bit.

I look up at Adrian who looks back at me and raises one of his eyebrows making me let out a small laugh. I look back and give her a nod.

"Ok" I say.

The rest of them come closer around us. My eyes travel from face to face until I meet Daryl's as he stares at adrains hand thats placed on my back, making me look down not wanting to look into those blue eyes.

"Where do I start" I mumble to myself before looking back up.

"Adrian..was a Doctor when I was at the CDC...The second i met him we had a connection i guess you can say. He was the one i was talking about who would always be the one to stitch me up if I needed to be stitched, feed me when I needed to be fed, give me my shots...He was the only one who actually cared for me." I say to them before looking to Adrian who smiles at me.

"He helped me become me. He loved me when no one else did...He gave me hope that one i would find someone who would accept me and I did." I said smiling at the group.

"He was the only reason why I chose the fight, to live, and to survive, I do that because he was the first person who loved me and after years of not seeing each other he still does" I say, my voice cracking at the end.

"Adrian was and is my other half, part of me. The one who kept me alive and if it wasn't for him I wouldn't have met you guys" I say before I feel arms wrap around my neck from behind, hugging me.

"Do you love him" I hear a voice ask.

I look over at Carl who look at me with a curious face.

"I do, very much" I say to him

"Well what about Daryl" He asks me making everyone look at me in curiosity. I look at Daryl who shares the same look.

"Carl--" Rick warned but I shake my head.

"Its ok" I say to rick before looking back over you carl

"Sometimes two people aren't meant to be together...And I dec--- Me and Daryl have decided that we aren't meant to be together like we thought we were" I say to him with a sad smile

Everyone looks at the two of us with shocked faces.

"I didnt decided nothing" I hear Daryl Growl.

I shake my head at him looking him in his eyes before removing myself from Adrian arms.

"You decided when you walked into that cell, alone with a women who tried to get me killed" I say pointing behind him where him and Carol were.

"if you would let me explain--" he starts to yell but I quickly cut him off.

"I saw what I saw Daryl" I say to him

"She came to me" He raises his voice stepping a step towards me

"That doesn't explains why you were in a locked cell with her now does it!? You could've said no and walked away. You made this bed now you have to lay in it" I raised my voice

He stares at me not saying anything.

" We loved each other Daryl....and maybe I'm still in love with you now but what's done is done. I have amazing people in front of who have told me that I don't need just one person in my life to make me happy...I--I just don't. Im so tired of hurting because of decisions you decide to make. I love you and dont think that will change but for right now you need to think about the choices you make." I say to him before turning my attention back to carl

"Carl, Adrian and i may love each other but its different from how i loved Daryl. I love him like i love Maggie. I love him like a friend" I say looking at Adrian who nods.

"Maybe that could change but right now I wouldn't change it for anything in the world" I say to him.

I look around at the group who looks at me with a mixture of emotions.

"Im going to go show Adrian my cell while you guys discuss his staying" I say grabbing Adrian and making my way up to my cell room.

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