Always (teen titans)

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Starfires POV

I woke up to the sound of robin, cyborg, and beast boy arguing.

"Dude just do it!"



"okay, okay I'll ask starfire out tomorrow........."



That was all i needed to hear. I hurried and got dressed. then ran downstairs. I saw no one there so I waited....and waited......and waited.

After two hours I ran upstairs.

"Friends? friends?" no one responded.

Then I started searching.

After a while I found myself at robins door. with my heart in my hands I knocked. there was no response so I let myself in.


I gasped at what I saw.

room was torn up like there was a fight in here.

I saw my puppet on the ground. 'the puppet king' I sat on the ground and started to cry. Then I heard robins voice.

"Starfire! STARFIRE!"

"Robin face it the puppet king got her!" I heard cyborg say.

Suddenly the puppet king came in on a hover board. A rope flung out and tied me up. I was hanging behind him and the hover board.

I tried to escape but the ropes were too strong. "one down four to go!"

"The puppet king has starfire!" I heard robin say.

"Titans go!"

I struggled to escape but I couldn't. I tried to yell for help but my mouth was tied up too. I was angry with the puppet king.

Then the puppet king busted out of the tower and into the air. The rope on my mouth flew off and I screamed. Once I stopped I heard the puppet king talking to someone.

"I have one of the titans."

"Good, which one?"

"The one whom robin adores"

"Very good, and the others?"

"I can get them easily with her."

"Bring her here."

"Yes of course."

We zoomed off and I yelled for him to stop. but he didn't. suddenly the gems on my outfit started to blink. that's when I realized I still had my communicator.

When we landed we were far away from the tower. The puppet king dragged me inside and sat me down on a cold black floor the brotherhood of evil was surrounding me.

I looked up at them wondering what they would do to me. Then the puppet king pulled my communicator out of my belt. 'he knew I had it this whole time' I thought.

"They should be here soon." the brain said.

"STOP! LEAVE THEM ALONE!!!!!" I yelled as I shot star bolts out of my eyes.

The brain fell over and madam rouge picked him up.

"FREEZE HER, NOW!!!!!" the brain yelled.

They untied the ropes and stuck me in a glass jar.

"Hi pretty girl" professor Chang said to me.

Then I heard the door open.

Robins POV

I opened the door. I had to leave the others behind to make sure everything was clear. once I opened the door the first thing I saw was starfire.

She looked at me then looked like she was going to cry.

That's when I knew it was a trap.

"Greetings robin" the brain said.

'Wait......the brain?'

"Surprised robin? Let me put your mind to ease"

"You see madam rouge could easily escape from the ice. once all of us were freed we wanted revenge."

A screen behind him turned on with images of us in Tokyo.

"You see we were watching your every move. we saw you try, fail, win, and..... love."

Then a picture of me and starfire kissing in Tokyo popped up.

'So that's why he was focused on getting starfire'

"Now you will discover the price to being a hero young robin"

Professor Chang turned the machine on.

I ran to stop it, but madam rouge grabbed me and forced me to watch.

I hear starfire scream as it freezes her. then as she is put on the top shelf, I see the horror in her face.

"Now you know the real price of being a hero." Said the brain.

Then a smirk appeared on my face.

Everyone looked shocked.

I stood up and pointed at the machine.

"Professor Chang do you remember the last time you tried to freeze starfire?"

He turned to stare at starfire.

Star's head unfroze. I jumped up to her and broke the rest of the ice around her body.

I could see that she was still weak from being frozen so I picked her up and used my grappling hook to swing away.

The team was waiting outside. They all stared at star.

"She's fine just still weak from being frozen" I said

"FROZEN?!?!" BB questioned.

"I'll tell you later"

We left without another word.

Starfires POV

I awoke in the care of health room.

I looked around the only person that was in the room with me was robin.

"How long have I been in the sleep?"

"A little less than a day"

"How long have you been in here?"

"A little less than a day"

I smiled at the way he was nice to me.


"Yes robin?"

"Will you go on a date with me?"

I pulled him close and kissed him once it was done I answered his question.



Hey guys you like the story? pleez let me know if you do. Also guess what? I have a tumblr account!!!!!!!!!:)!!!!! Follow @starzrocks. Btw the lines name is josè. thanks bye!!!!!!!:)

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