Thule to the Fire

Start from the beginning

"It is set. We leave in 1 hour and drive for 10, maybe 15 minutes," van Ralt said as he returned.

Clara looked to say something and then headed for the bar, finishing her drink.

"Jack. Make sure you drink no more than what you have. We need to move Clara somewhere safe, and I'll need you to... Well, have steady hands."

"Of course, but it will be risky driving in the dark with the curfew in place. What if the old bill see the lights?"

"Not now, Jack," van Ralt calmed the situation by lowering his raised hand, "it's not far and it wont take long. Let's not worry."

Acid rose from Jack's stomach, for his relationship with van Ralt had never seen beyond these four walls. Jack was about to go beyond the horizon.

55 minutes later.

"We must go."

"Go? Go where? I feel like singing!" Clara said as she looked to mount the table.

"Jack. Take one arm. We must go." Jack did as he was instructed.

"N...No, wait a minute, I want to... what are you doing?"

"Ah, Clara... belle of the ball... you must sing for us, but not now... save it for the car. Or, better yet, save it for where we are going!" Van Ralt's forced jollity brought a delayed smile to her face.

They both struggled to hold her up and keep respectability, as they attempted to leave.

"Sing? Sure! For... where?" Becoming gaseous, Clara covered her mouth.

"Get the doors, Jack. Ah, where was I..." van Ralt helped Clara out of the pub and towards the car, "well, we are to be the honourable guests of..." van Ralt looked around the car park, and spoke in a lowered tone, "back seat, Jack..."

Jack hurried to open the left rear passengers door and van Ralt eased Clara onto the bench seat, before popping his head out, "Carry on, Jack, someone will need to prop her up."

Jack headed for the drivers seat and van Ralt took his place next to Clara. The engine started and van Ralt laughed, "Oh yes! We are to be guests of Lord Cobham!"

There was a short space of silence and then both Clara and Jack cottoned on to whom he meant.

"Lord of the manor! I'll sing and sing and sing. And maybe dance," said Clara, swooshing her hands in font of her face.

"Hagley Wood Estate. Now?" said Jack, with trepidation.

"It's never too late for a walk in the woods!"

Jack couldn't hide his puzzled look.

"Do I have a lovely voice, Ralty," said Clara with a puppy dog look.

"Your voice gifts me vitality," said van Ralt.

"Kiss me, Ralty. On the lips."

Who is this woman, and why are we heading out to see some toff, thought Jack.

A couple of minutes in to their journey.

"Wait, you have something on your cheek, dear," van Ralt took off his cravat, "you must look good when you perform, later. How far off is the estate, Jack?"

"We should be there in ten," said Jack as he scanned the dark roads.

"Come here, darling."

Clara leant in towards him, pouting. Van Ralt's expression changed. A thick shadow enveloped him and all Clara could see where his eyes. His hand moved towards her face, with the untied material, and he began wiping her cheek, inching towards her mouth.

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