I woke up a few hours later and felt emptiness next to me where Peeta had been when I fell asleep. I quickly scanned around us for him and finally saw him sitting against a tree. Standing up I walked over to him and sat down beside him, kissing his cheek.

"Hey," I whispered trying not to wake the others.

"Hey Kat," he yawned out. I put my arm around his neck.

"Get some sleep Peeta. You're going to need it soon," he flashed me a smile and gently kissed me lips before standing up.

"I love you."

"I love you too Peeta."

I watched him lay down and fall asleep quickly. It's amazing how this time in the arena last year I was pretending to love him and now I was having his baby. Things have changed and now, nothing will ever go back to being the same. In a way, I still wish I wasn't pregnant, but I've come to love this baby inside me, it's a part of me. I know that's not why I love the baby, I love the baby because the baby is part of Peeta. I slowly started to drift off to sleep, then I saw some Fog. Nothing in this arena is ever what it really is. I reached out my hand and felt a sharp stabbing pain attack it. I pulled it back and saw blisters forming. I stood up immediately.

"RUN! WAKE UP! RUN! THE FOG! IT'S POISON!" I called out with my voice breaking from pain. It worked though, everyone woke up and as soon as Finnick got Mags on his back, we all started running. It was hard to run with my stomach being so stretched out and the ground was really uneven. I was running with Peeta and I felt him slip, he fell and I went down with him. I got up and he did too, but he couldn't run on his ankle.

"Finnick," I screamed, he had stopped ahead of us with Mags and had set her down. He looked back at us. I knew I couldn't carry Peeta. The fog was surrounding us, "I can't carry him." He looked at Mags and then back to us. Surely I could manage to carry her or at least help her get out of the fog. She leaned up and kissed Finnick gently and then turned to the fog.

"No! Mags," Finnick was screaming as she hobbled off into the fog. He was still screaming as we heard a Cannon go off.

"Finnick," I looked at him, "We have to go." He came over and we were able to get Peeta over our shoulders so we were both supporting him as we began to walk out of the fog. My hand had a lot of blisters on it I could already tell. We kept walking, suddenly I slipped and realized we were at a hill, we began to fall down it, hitting the ground and rolling a little. I looked up and the fog decended down upon us. This was it. I couldn't run anymore, I cradled my stomach and I felt my baby gently kicking.

"I love you baby," I whispered and closed my eyes waiting for the fog to get us. After a few seconds when I was sure  the fog should have killed us I opened my eyes. The fog had formed a wall in front of us, just going straight up and down, no longer following us. We were safe, for now anyway.

I sat up, I was in pain from the running and the fog, I knew I probably wouldn't last much longer. I saw some water and began to crawl over to it. Once I reached the edge I stuck my hand in slowly. I let out a scream, my hand hurt, I looked down at it in the water and saw a misty fog coming off of it. I realized the water was drawing out the poison.

"Peeta," my voice cracked, "the water. It helps." I managed to force out those words than I slid into the water. It hurt a lot, but my body felt better immediately. The poison was being drawn out. Peeta crawled over and plunged into the water.  I watched the poison float away from his body.

"Help me get Finnick in here," I whisper to Peeta. He comes over immediately and we drag Finnick in. He mutters some curse words as we lower him into the water. After all of us were done we get out. I sit down on the ground beside Peeta and Finnick sits across from us.

"You okay Kat," Peeta whispers into my ear.  

"I'm fine," I lay my head down on his shoulder. I watched  Finnick stand up and walk back over to the water.

"Katniss, this is dangerous. I don't know how they could just put you into this arena again. You need to have this baby soon. I'm worried about the health and well being of both of you."

"Peeta, I can take care of myself. I'll be fine. The baby will be fine. I know you're worried but you really shouldn't stress yourself out over it. It won't," I suddenly felt really sick and leaned over away from Peeta before getting sick. I felt him place my braid behind me and hold it there as he gently rubbed my back. I slowly sat back up and wiped at my mouth.

"I thought this part was over," he said softly kissing the top of my head.

"Me too," I sighed and began to slowly drift off to sleep.

"I love you," I heard him whisper before I fell asleep.

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