Eventually Jeremy's voice returns in a soft whisper. "You really love him, don't you?"

"With everything in me." I reply without a moment's hesitation. "It's kind of hard to explain, but yes, I love him." I bite down on my lip as I finally catch Jeremy's gaze. "Was what Damon said true? Do you have a crush on me?" The blood rushes to his face, leaving streaks of bright red on his neck and up his cheeks. "For how long? And why didn't you say anything?"

"I never said anything, because I knew you loved him, but now I'm starting to realize just how much." He sighs as he finishes wrapping my arm. "Also, to answer your first question, since you showed up in Mystic Falls. I mean, I thought you were cute and funny that first night we met, but I wasn't sure how I felt. Then when you came here with your dad, I found myself trying to impress him. I wanted to make a good impression on him and a better one on you."

A part of me wants to reach out and take his hand, but I know better. There's no point in only breaking his heart further. He manages a strained, sad smile as he asks, "I never stood a chance did I?"

I shake my head. "I would love to say you did, but I don't want to lie to you. Like I said, it's hard to explain, but there's something that keeps me drawn to Kol. Even when we met and he kept pestering me, a part of me was already falling for him. It just took the rest of me a while to admit it." Jeremy just nods sadly as if processing it all, even though he probably already knew the answer. "Can I ask you a small favor?"

"Sure. I mean, even after all this, you're still my friend."

"I hope you'll still think that after this." I mumble. My mind clutters with anxious thoughts as I breathe deeply. There's no easy way to ask this, but a glance to the kitchen shows that only Elena is left. I turn back to Jeremy and gather the meager bits of courage left. "Don't kill him, please."

Jeremy opens his mouth to speak, but I hold up my hand. "Let me explain first. When he comes—and he will come—he's going to be angry. I guarantee you it will be worse than anything you or I have seen, which means I probably won't be able to get him to listen to me. So, when he comes, I'm begging you to not kill him. Kol is doing this for the right reasons. Even if his approach is a little indelicate."

"What are his reasons?" Elena questions from the other room, but I ignore her as I keep looking at Jeremy.

"It's not what you think. He doesn't care about the cure." I direct my answer to Jeremy, but my voice quakes with fear. A shiver runs down my spine at the thought of the horrors described to me. "It's Silas. If he wakes up, I don't even want to imagine the horrors that will come."

Jeremy doesn't say anything, but he gives me an imperceptible nod as he squeezes my good hand. Relief floods through me at the nonverbal promise. He quickly leaves me alone on the couch, and I reassuring myself as the minutes tick by. Jeremy is still your friend; he won't kill Kol.

The minutes seemed to drag by like hours. I kept biting my nails and tried to ignore the anxiety billowing in my chest. It's hard to decide which part of this situation is worse—the waiting, or my lack of magic.

Nothing about today has gone or felt right, except the brief 'drama-free' date. My mind keeps mulling over everything that has and could go wrong. Not to mention the feeling that it's all my fault. Maybe if I had listened to Kol and stayed at the mansion, things would have gone better.

That train of thought is abruptly halted by a string of unsavory shouts by an all too familiar voice. "Jeremy, I know you have her. I swear, if you don't let her go right now, I'll make your worst nightmares look like a child's tea party."

There isn't enough time for me to breathe before Elena is pulling me up from the couch. "Please, just let me go. Then this won't have to end badly." I tell her, but she ignores me as she places a hand over my mouth and uses my broken arm to pin me in front of her. Jeremy's eyes meet mine, full of apologies for his sister.

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