One Last Time 》G & N (P2)

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^ Yes, featuring the amazing Kian Lawley everyone! (A.K.A my Internet Crush #3 after G & E)



I look up at him and smile.


He looks at me before running to me, slapping the man away and taking me in his embrace, "Are you okay, Vanessa?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Thank you," I say, crying onto his shoulder.

"You're not, stop lying," he says, rubbing my back. He looks over at the man and smirks at him. "What were you trying to do with her?"

"Nothing. I'm sorry man. I didn't know she was with you," the man says. Kian laughs.

"She's not wi-" he starts, but stops. "Whatever, just get out of here. And if you even get close to touching Vanessa again...I swear to God, I'll beat up your horny ass."

The man nods before running out the room, "That chicken," Kian snickers. "What are you doing here, Nessa? And where's Roni?"

"I was here to find Grayson, he needed someone to pick him up. He came to drink apparently and Ethan told me to pick him up because he's sick," I say.

"Okay. Did he do something to you? Was I too late?" he asks, sitting me down on the bed carefully, like I'm a delicate china doll and I'd break if he was a little too rough with me.


"He t-" she stops, obviously not wanting to tell me.

"You can tell me, Vanessa. I'm your good friend, don't hide anything from me," I say, grabbing her arm. She looks at me before looking back on her lap.

"He touched me, Kian," she says, starting to cry. I bring her closer to me as I sit beside her, her head on my chest as she sobbed. "On the wrong place, I don't know how to feel, I've never gone through this."

"I'm sorry this happened, Nessa," I say, rubbing her back. She flinches when I do so, but gets comfortable as she sobs onto my chest. "Want me to help you go find Grayson?"

"Can we stay here for a couple minutes? I'm too scared to go out there," she says, shivering from crying.

"Okay, but I'm gonna be with you, so don't worry alright? I won't let anything happen to you," I say. She looks at me for a second and smiles.

"Thanks, Kian, I appreciate it."

"My pleasure, Nessa," I smile.

I've known both sets of twins for a while now, and I couldn't help but fall in love with all of their personalities.

Ethan and Grayson are the sweetest, most down to Earth and humble people I've ever met, same with Vanessa and Veronica.

Roni and Nessa are so innocent, so pure. Yet, I found a boy touching Nessa in the room that happened to be mine.

I'm so glad I was in the room. The image of what could've happened to Nessa haunts me.

That dare he touch her like that? I hate men who would take advantage of innocent beautiful girls like that.

I know I'll never take advantage of a girl like that, that's just sickening to even think of.

"You okay now?" I ask her. She nods before shifting away from me. She wipes a tear off as she stands up, only to fall to the floor from weakness.

I catch her before she could land, "I think you should rest, I'll go find him okay?"

"Don't leave me, Kian," she says, faintly.

"I'll lock the door behind you so no one can come in alright? I'm the only one with the keys to this room, it's mine," I say. She hesitates for a second and then nods.

"Okay, please come back with Gray soon," she whispers. I nod before giving her a friendly kiss on the forehead.

"I'll be back, alright?"

She nods and I stand up and walk towards the door, leaving Nessa on my bed.

As I close the door, I'm convinced that Nessa will be fine and leave the room, locking it from the outside. 


Part 3, which will be the last one, is coming soon!

The last part will be really long so look out for that oooooooooooooof. 

Also...question of the day! Do you have a friend that you would risk your life for? If so, comment who! 😊

For me, I'd risk my life for all of my friends no matter what. But I do have a friend who's been with me for four years now. Her name is Rakeb, and she's one of my in real life friends. She's almost like a sister to me, so I would risk my life for her, no matter what. But like I said, I love all my friends, so I would risk my life for anyone, including you guys! :)))

Love you! 😘 


Xoxo,Umi 💜 

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