One Last Time 》G & N (P1)

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I'm sitting on my couch, watching TV and scrolling through Instagram on my phone.

I pass a picture of a Graynessa ship account and unfollow it. I can't stand to see him and I in the same picture without wanting to vomit.

My scrolling is interrupted by a call. The caller ID says "Ethan ♥" is calling me.

I pick it up instantly. Ethan might be Grayson's twin brother, but he's still one of my best friends.

"Hey, Nessa," Ethan's deep voice fills my ears through the phone; though it sounds deeper, like he's sick.

"What do you want, buttface?"

I hear coughing from the other line before his voice comes on again.

"Nessa, Grayson called earlier," he says.

"Is this about him? I don't want to talk if it's about him."

"He's in trouble, Ness."

I sigh, what? What has he done? Did something happen to him?

"Why? How?"

"He was crying and asking me to come pick him up. He can't come himself because he apparently went and got drunk."

It hurts knowing he's in trouble. And he was crying? He barely ever cries, or drinks for that matter.

He promised to me that he won't ever touch alcohol. Maybe he's too hurt, causing him to do this.

My heart shatters thinking of the man I used to love and him crying.

It's funny how the strongest people you know look so weak in times they need help.

Him, he's strong. The strongest person I've seen in the time I've been with him. Me, I'm weak. And to see the strongest person I know act so weak shocks and confuses me.

"Why are you telling me this, Grant? What do you want?"

"I want you to go pick him up and drive him home. Please, for Grayson. I would go, but I'm sick. And I told Roni to go, but she refused because she's taking care of me."

I sigh. I guess I will.

"Fine, text me the address," I mutter.

"Thanks, Ness. You're the best."

"I'm aware of that. And you're welcome."

"I love you," he snickers.

"I hate you too, loser," I say and hang up.

I get up from the couch and go into my room, deciding to change into something appropriate for a party so I look as if I belong.

I go into my closet and find a black dress.

It was the dress I wore for my Grandma's friend's funeral, but it'll do because I really don't care.

I change into it, touch up my makeup and hair, and head out in my car.

As soon as I get to the address Ethan sent me, the sound of blaring music fills my ears, even from inside my car.

I get out of my car and try to cover my face with my sleeve so people don't notice me.

I go inside and immediately plug my nose. The house reeks a weird combination of drunk people, alcohol, and sweat.

I realize that I'm not going to be able to find Grayson is the mess, so I decide to stand in a corner and text him.


Vanessa: Gray, where are you? I'm here to pick you up.

He doesn't respond so I text again.

Vanessa: Gray? Where are you?

He doesn't respond, so I figure that he's not in the right state to. I decide to text Ethan.

Ethan ♥ 

Vanessa: E, did G tell you where he was?

Ethan: He said something about being upstairs, but his voice was too muffled so sorry, that's all I know

Vanessa: Okay thanks 💓

Ethan: Stay safe please Ness, there are some horrible drunk men who will take advantage of a beautiful girl like you over there

Vanessa: I will, thank you  (And I'm telling Roni that you called me beautiful 😏)

Ethan : You're her twin sis, of course you're beautiful 😊

I giggle before shoving my phone back into my purse. I start to walk towards the stairs, pushing myself through huge crowds of intoxicated people.

As I make my way up the stairs, a tan-skinned man is in front of me as we both walk up the stairs. His hair is curly and a shade of dark brown.

As soon as we reach the top, I head to the right to look around for Grayson. The man who was in front of me stops me and grips on my arm as he pushes me towards a room door.

"What are you doing here alone, baby girl?" he smirks. "Let me take care of you."

"Fuck off," I say. I feel uncomfortable cursing, but it was needed at the moment.

"Oh, you're gonna play that way huh? You're a feisty one," he smirks once again. "I like feisty, baby girl."

He opens the door knob and takes me inside, his grip still on my hand. I realize that there are tears dripping from my eyes—I have no clue what to do, I'm vulnerable.

"Leave me alone, please, I just wanna find-"

"Find who?" he asks, his hands roaming my body very uncomfortably.

"My-" I start. I have to lie to him. "My boyfriend."

His grip on my hand starts to tighten, "So you're taken huh? Well, I hope I can pleasure you better than he can."

He picks me up and starts to head for the bed.

"HELP! SOMEONE HELP!" I start to yell. But there's no use. There's no one who can save me now.

I should've been more careful...Ethan did warn me.

As he takes me closer to the bed, I notice a silhouette in the bed, moving.

As he looks up at me, I sigh in relief.



Who do you think it is? (HINT: It's not obvious)

Hope you liked it! ❣ 

Part 2 coming soon! :))

Umi 💜

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